We won't display your designs and brands to other customers, and won't display them in the internet, show, sample room etc, and we can also sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with you and our sub-contractor...
By continuing to stay the course, they remain satisfied with the same mediocre results and very low profit margins. The average contractor only makes 2% or 3% net profit. This is significantly too small for the risk contractors take every day. Most unsuccessfully strive to make more money but...
We won't display your designs and brands to other customers, and won't display them in the internet, show, sample room etc, and we can also sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with you and our sub-contractors.5. W...
KAT.AT building contractors, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, ordered five Schweiss bifold liftstrap hangar doors. The doors range in width from 63.5' (19.3m) to 43.5' (13.2m) and heights up to 23.8' (7.2m), and were placed on three new commercial rental hangars at the Wiener Neustadt...
But the step-up in valuation also comes amid growing unrest among Instacart's shoppers, who are classified as independent contractors. During the pandemic, they have been on the front lines as essential workers, but do not have the protections or benefits that full employees are entitl...