After a drastic map size increase two years ago and the Facet update last year, we are hoping for something similar in scope this year as well, and today, instead of concentrating on minor balance issues still present in the game we would like to dream big and start a conversation on ...
Increased the size of the importer preview Added particle system attachment point editing as part of the submission process for certain wearable items (like Drow Ranger's bow) Fixed a bug where sub model pages weren't being flipped back to the first page when opening a model that only needed...
datacachesize 32 Size in MB. dbghist_addline Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>. dbghist_dump Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id>. Categories: 0 - Entity I/O, 1 - AI Decisions, 2 - Sc (incomplete description) deathmatch 0...
2 5 堆野 打野 主要 数据 护甲 属性(力量/敏捷/智力) 生命值&魔法值(生命恢复&魔法恢复) 魔法抗性 移动速度 状态抗性 转身速率 杂项 碰撞体积 控制小兵 死亡 碎片类型/阴影 腿 视野 技能 类型 主动/被动/自动施法 光环 必中/闪避 持续施法 伤害格挡/魔法伤害护盾 ...
Delete old files from dota 2 folder Launch Steam Dota 2 should work without having unused videos from 2015 in its folderIdeal behavior:After every dota 2 update, all unused files are deleted without user having to check for old files manually....
Product Update - Valve 2016 年 2 月 11 日 Winter Treasure III Released: Fixed the Fog of War culling radius on some item-granted teleport effects to match the default effect size.- Fixed an occasional crash on Mac OS X when ...
All Source 1 content (items, music packs, etc) is now in Source 2 Increased custom game maximum map size to support 32k on each axis (2x larger on each axis) Added additional Open Mic voice options in the Settings panel Fixed various bugs with Control Groups not loading and saving correct...
datatsward.sort_values('label')datatsward['label'].value_counts()#"D:\BaiduNetdiskWorkspace\updatefiles\工作与日常\生活记录\bilibili视频\6关于dota2数据分析\眼位统计\map.jpeg")#apply translation of coordinatesdf_obs=pd.DataFrame()df_obs['x']=datatsward['x']-64df_...
After the Battle Pass update the game is stuck when opened either from Steam or directly through dota.shThe game was perfectly fine the day before, here is my last match id: 6735217136.It is specifically stuck at the Dota 2 Logo Screen and nothing happened....
inter_poly=poly1.intersection(poly2)inter_area=inter_poly.area poly1_area=poly1.area half_iou=inter_area/poly1_areareturninter_poly,half_iou defsaveimagepatches(self,img,subimgname,left,up):subimg=copy.deepcopy(img[up:(up+self.subsize),left:(left+self.subsize)])outdir=os.path.join(...