After a drastic map size increase two years ago and the Facet update last year, we are hoping for something similar in scope this year as well, and today, instead of concentrating on minor balance issues still present in the game we would like to dream big and start a conversation on ...
2766 BIG.SosKsUoo-290 2767 11点15前要上床 2768 跌落神坛的King 2769 早见 2770 解锋镝 2771 flyfly 2772 伟大的小希 2773 皮皮真的皮 2774 元素大军 2775 Ranger翠儿 2776 PA 2777 克劳恩皮丝Official 2778 jay 2779 hehe~~~ 2780 ez 2781 怪兽一号 2782 gugu 2783 ZAWAZAWA 2784 萧瑟 2785 基尼...
After a drastic map size increase two years ago and the Facet update last year, we are hoping for something similar in scope this year as well, and today, instead of concentrating on minor balance issues still present in the game we would like to dream big and start a conversation on ...
- Fixed bug where bots wouldn't lower their farm desire when they reached enough money to make a big purchase, resulting in them farming forever. - Fixed bug in Armlet toggling. - Fixed bug that was causing bots to use Mekansm when no one needed healing. ...
After a drastic map size increase two years ago and the Facet update last year, we are hoping for something similar in scope this year as well, and today, instead of concentrating on minor balance issues still present in the game we would like to dream big and start a conversation on ...
As usual after a big update Linux is fully broken. Missing interface adapter for STEAMTIMELINE_INTERFACE_V002 Loaded /home/leandro/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/bin/linuxste failed to dlopen "/home/...
Level 25 Talent: Health/Damage Enthusiast multiplier has increased from 1.8 to 2. Aghanim’s Shard ability: From the first two destroyed trees from Sprout’s ability large ents appear. No more than two big Ents can be alive at a time.NECROPHOS...
After a drastic map size increase two years ago and the Facet update last year, we are hoping for something similar in scope this year as well, and today, instead of concentrating on minor balance issues still present in the game we would like to dream big and start a conversation on ...
替换File:Chakram 2 icon.png 锯齿飞轮(二)直到锯齿飞轮(二)完全回到伐木机处 施法时不打断伐木机的持续施法技能喷火装置 FR 技能属性无目标 影响目标敌人 伤害类型魔法 伐木机向面朝的方向放出一道宽度为275的火焰,将蔓延400距离。施加一个负面效果,每秒造成90点伤害,减缓30%移动速度。对建筑造成40%伤害。持续...