Meaning (incomplete description). dota_speech_emotes 1 Set 0 to disable emotes. dota_speech_hardcoded_respeak_delay 1 Да Certain speech concepts will not be said more than once per (n) seconds. Set to 0 to disable. dota_speech_level 2 Mutes certain parts of the units speech: 0 ...
dota_echoslam_max_projectiles 75 Yes Limits the amount of projectiles Echo Slam visually draws, meaning any projectile exceeding the given value is invisible. dota_effective_creep_spawn_time 0 Yes If non-zero, the time the creep spawner uses for deciding what to spawn dota_enable_direct_qui...
Kills, tower last hits and team fight participation are the most important statistics for a core player to look out for. GPM and creep score talents might seem nice but in reality, they don’t give you that much points as a player will get 0.003 points per last hit meaning if a core...
In high level pubs the hero currently wins more than 54% of his games. Interestingly, there is almost no fluctuation in his winrate between 3k to 5k bracket, meaning that once players have a general idea of what Dota is, they are decently equipped to win as this hero. While the hero i...
meaning they are too far from being able to apply their power: 'npc_dota_hero_chen', 'npc_dota_hero_keeper_of_the_light', 'npc_dota_hero_winter_wyvern', 'npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition', 'npc_dota_hero_phoenix', 'npc_dota_hero_tinker', 'npc_dota_hero_pangolier', 'npc_dota_her...