Meaning (incomplete description). dota_speech_emotes 1 Set 0 to disable emotes. dota_speech_hardcoded_respeak_delay 1 Да Certain speech concepts will not be said more than once per (n) seconds. Set to 0 to disable. dota_speech_level 2 Mutes certain parts of the units speech: 0 ...
dota_echoslam_max_projectiles 75 Yes Limits the amount of projectiles Echo Slam visually draws, meaning any projectile exceeding the given value is invisible. dota_effective_creep_spawn_time 0 Yes If non-zero, the time the creep spawner uses for deciding what to spawn dota_enable_direct_qui...
In high level pubs the hero currently wins more than 54% of his games. Interestingly, there is almost no fluctuation in his winrate between 3k to 5k bracket, meaning that once players have a general idea of what Dota is, they are decently equipped to win as this hero. While the hero i...
Our picks for day 2 You might think why I went for Fy instead of any other pos 5. The reason is I don’t have any good cards besides these. Closing Thoughts In order to achieve many points lookout for the player who will play the most matches on day 2, which I have mentioned a...
-- The position is ranked by the order of the names you put in the below list, pos 1 - 5, from top to down. -- There are sample team picks in Appendix section below. Customize.Radiant_Heros = { 'Random', 'Random', } -- Same notes as for Radiant_Heros above Customize.Dire_...