0 = disabled, 1 = regular game, 2 = league game dota_fake_gc_connection_state cl dota_fake_gc_est_time cl dota_fake_gc_queue_pos cl dota_fake_lobby_browser_data cl dota_fake_lobby_count cl dota_fake_no_match_metadata cl dota_fake_role_handicap_midlane cl dota_fake_...
ai_path_insert_pause_at_est_end 1 ai_path_insert_pause_at_obstruction 1 ai_post_frame_navigation 0 ai_radial_max_link_dist 512 ai_reaction_delay_alert 0 ai_reaction_delay_idle 0 ai_rebalance_thinks 1 ai_report_task_timings_on_limit 0 ai_resume If NPC is stepping through ...
I am unable to watch games via the Dota 2 client, whenever I try to watch a live game the game freezes I see a loading screen and then get redirected to the Dota 2 home page. Steps for reproducing this issue: Go to Watch tab Click on Watch Now Select Any game and click on WATCH ...
"DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_neutral_creep_lost_Description" "Cette créature est égarée jusqu'à ce qu'elle retrouve son camp." "[english]DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_neutral_creep_lost_Description" "This creature is homeless until it finds a way back to its camp." "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_heavy...
dota_fake_gc_est_time -1 dota_fake_gc_queue_pos -1 dota_fake_lobby_browser_data 0 dota_fake_lobby_count 100 dota_fake_no_match_metadata 0 dota_fake_party_games -2 dota_fake_party_rank -2 dota_fake_pending_connect 0 dota_fake_solo_games -2 dota_fake_solo_rank -2 ...
dota_fake_gc_est_time -1 dota_fake_gc_queue_pos -1 dota_fake_lobby_browser_data 0 dota_fake_lobby_count 100 dota_fake_party_games -2 dota_fake_party_rank -2 dota_fake_pending_connect 0 dota_fake_solo_games -2 dota_fake_solo_rank -2 dota_fanfare_disable 0 dota_fan...
Hola a todos, tengo la siguiente configuración (server)-(FW1)-MPLS-(FW2)-(printer) cuando hago ping desde el server hasta la impresora tengo packetloss de 10%, pero si hago ping desde el mismo server a otro terminal que esta en el mismo final pero ... Duda con captura de paquet...
(up to 10 times that of the shallowest samples in the same site). MAGs from GB sediments were obtained from two unique sites. First was Megamat (Alvin cores Meg19 and Meg22 taken within close proximity to each other), an alkane-rich site named for the sizable microbial mat discovered ...
dota_fake_gc_est_time -1 dota_fake_gc_queue_pos -1 dota_fake_lobby_browser_data 0 dota_fake_lobby_count 100 dota_fake_party_games -2 dota_fake_party_rank -2 dota_fake_pending_connect 0 dota_fake_solo_games -2 dota_fake_solo_rank -2 dota_fanfare_disable 0 dota_fan...