Hero stats Explore the meta trends for all heroes and facets in Dota 2. Filter by position, rank, game mode, and date range to see the most popular heroes and how they perform.Group by HeroesFacets Date range Last 7 days Game Mode All PickTurbo Rank tier All ...
HEROOverview 10 months ago Last Match 1,738-1,782-18 Record 49.12% Win Rate Roles and LanesFrom Recently Analyzed Matches more 50% Core Off Lane Safe Lane 50% Support Safe Lane Off Lane Most Played HeroesAll Time more Hero Windranger ...
Hero stats table System Controls Game Modes Matchmaking(MMR) Interface Game settings Spectating Console Cheats Launch Options Fantasy Dota Trophies Modding Cosmetic Items Treasures Equipment Custom Couriers Gems Rarity/Quality Item drop system From DotA?
Hero stats table System Controls Game Modes Matchmaking(MMR) Interface Game settings Spectating Console Cheats Launch Options Fantasy Dota Trophies Modding Cosmetic Items Treasures Equipment Custom Couriers Gems Rarity/Quality Item drop system From DotA?
dota_battlereport_aggregate_hero_stats_cache_duration cl dota_bot_allow_human_control sv, cheat dota_bot_avg_fps sv Reports the average fps for this dota game dota_bot_chat_throttle_duration sv dota_bot_client_debug cl Draw some basic client-side debug info for each hero. dota_bot...
Dota 2 hero pick web tools, including hero counter, hero team synergy and a full app with counter pick and synergy combined. Dota Plus alternative.
普及一个非常有用的网站。是dota2官方的数据统计网站 只看楼主收藏回复 gdtsoccer 雾中奇袭 7 这个网站可以查询任何人的战绩 胜率 以及每盘的细节。。 自己用steam号登陆以后还能查询自己每个英雄的胜率和杀人和助攻 比例等等的详细数据。。非常有用htt p://stats.dota2.be /herostats(空格自己删) 不知道发...
Item name Dota Plus - Hero Relic "Enemies Culled" for hero Axe Description So, the title explains it pretty much. The hero relic "Enemies Culled" doesn't ever update with the number of enemies I cull in-game as Axe. I'm not sure about ot...
cs/creepstats,计算杀了多少小兵还有反补。 refresh,让PA变回透明。 cson,显示小兵统计板。 csoff,隐藏小兵统计板。 swaphero,和队友交换英雄,只可以在游戏时间90秒前用,而且只可以用一次。 gameinfo,显示游戏的模式。 hidemsg,不会收到英雄死掉的消息。 unhidemsg,取消hidemsg option 1,投第一种阵容一票。
交换英雄命令: -swap/-swaphero 显示一个英雄列表,根据提示你可以知道你想交换的英雄的序号。-swap 1/2/3/4/5 向你想交换的英雄序号玩家提交交换请求。如果他也向你提交请求,交换成功。交换命令可以多次使用,但是只能在开局后90秒前使用。在禁止交换模式下,不能使用这个命令。-swapall 可以与你的全部对友交换...