Expanded Terrain around the top Tier 2 Radiant tower Moved the bottom rune up a little bit Radiant middle tier 1 tower has been moved back Adjusted Radiant small camp spawn box Added a new ward spot near the Radiant ancients (does not reveal top rune) Created a new pathway leading to the...
moving at a speed of 422.5. On the Radiant side, the boost lasts for 16 seconds, effectively lasting until two thirds of the way from the tier 2 tower to the tier 1 tower.
Players cannot earn hero XP or complete challenges in Ability Draft, or All Random Deathmatch. Players will earn half XP in Turbo Mode. All players can earn up to hero level 5. Only Dota Plus can level further. Leveling up earns shards and unlocks tiers. Each tier comes with its own ...
cl_parallel_readpacketentities_type -1 = use default (parallel controller split) 0 = single threaded combined (i.e., ReadFieldList and Decode combined into one call) 1 = single threaded split (first pass ReadFieldList, second pass Decode) 2 = worker thread for decode (main thread does Re...
ability.id# Integer, ID of the abilityability.name# String, Name of the ability (for example, "Mana Break")ability.image_url# String, URL of the ability image# Allowed arguments:# :lg - default, 128x128 PNG image# :hp1 - 90x90 PNG image# :hp2 - 105x105 PNG image ...
Still not top tier?Originally a tweet from Sumail as a response to many reddit users arguing about EG's status as either a tier 1 or a tier 2 team, the tweet's words are generally used to mock certain low opinions on matters or teams. It was initially used sarcastically as Evil ...
An example program forDota2GSIcan be found in theDota2GSI Example programdirectory in the root of the repository. It was initially created byjudge2020. A full list of item names can be foundhere. A full list of hero names can be foundhere. ...
and Exort by 1. This may not feel like a huge upgrade but it essentially multiplies the damage that Invoker deals and makes it worse for his enemies when he eventually gets the level 5 3x effects talent. It also creates a Cataclysm when Sun Strike is double-tapped. Creates 2 visible Sun...
+2 Intelligence Steal talent is now connected to the ability, not the hero Various talents connected to abilities. All should be connected now. Fixed server issue that made all abilities give the new ability bonus Moral Strike, Empowering Haste and Infernal Blade are now considered a semi-passiv...