Dota 2 Moments - Ability Draft Winner Pugna 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2014-06-11 18:25:32上线。视频内容简介:稍后补充视频简介
As most other buildings in Dota 2,Fountains haveTrue Sight– the ability that helps them detect enemy heroes, even if they are utilizing invisibility. However, there are some exceptions. This ability doesn’t work for Slark’s Shadow Dance skill, Smoke of Deceit item and Techies’ traps and ...
Drafting Infest gives free Open Wounds (Ability Draft) Description Regardless of who drafted open wounds, there will be another open wounds given to the player who drafted infest. I think it needs to be upgraded with levels. Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp) 8030249030...
and mobility has made him a popular pick in pro and pub games alike. What truly sets Invoker apart is his ability to invoke multiple spells at once, creating devastating combos that can wipe out entire teams in a matter of seconds. In the right hands, he is a true hero of the battle...
远敏英雄,小狗吸血,神牛E,小黑大再配个暴击什么的。。。这是一刀流 要么就是火枪这种英雄配上小鱼...
Description Viper Strike's Aghs ability Nose Dive can be exploited to produce an extremely impactful bug. With the right combination of inputs, the hero with this spell is able to cast spells into the ground, which remain there for the rest of the match. It means the enemy team's creeps...