Simulator Share “The only thing they fear... is you.” Prime 1 Studio is proud to present the DOOM Slayer from the upcoming video game –DOOM Eternal. DOOM Eternal, the sequel to 2016’s action game of the year, DOOM. Developed by id Software and set to release on March 20, 2020,...
The Ancient Gods – Part Two is the epic conclusion to the DOOM Slayer’s Saga and the second campaign expansion to the critically acclaimed DOOM Eternal. You denied the gods and awoke an ancient evil. Now rally the scattered Sentinel armies, lay siege to the last bastion of Hell, break...
Slayer的动作比《Doom Eternal》更稳重,更贴近经典的《Doom》风格。经过十年,我们仍然从最初的《Doom》中学到了很多。 在《Doom Eternal》,尤其是《The Ancient Gods》之后,垂直方向上已经没有更多的提升空间了。所以,我们开始思考,如何让新作感觉独立且与众不同?这也是我们进行很多改动的动力。 我们希望每一款游戏...
DOOM Slayer支持并加入了信奉古老元素幽灵的暗夜守卫,两边进行了数十年的征战,然而最终因为暗夜守卫内部一个名为瓦伦之人的背叛而最终失败。 DOOM Slayer因此更加愤怒,他孤身一人与地狱及背叛者们的战斗持续了不知多少年,在无尽的缠斗中,一位不知名的恶者为其打造了可怕的执政官盔甲,因此每一次战斗都让DOOM Slayer变...
Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in DOOM Eternal - the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat.SLAYER THREAT LEVEL AT MAXIMUM - Armed with a shoulder-mounted flamethrower, retractable wrist-mounted blade, upgraded guns and mods, and abilities, you're faster, stronger...
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part Two Experience the epic conclusion to the to the DOOM Slayer’s Saga. You denied the gods and awoke an ancient evil. Now rally the scattered Sentinel armies, lay siege to the last bastion of Hell, break through the fortress walls, and face the Dark...
Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity. The only thing they fear... is you. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in DOOM Eternal - the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat...
所有问题只能在2019年发布的《DOOM: ETERNAL》中寻找答案了,不过从之前的演示视频中可以看出,DOOM SLAYER新的战场好像是在一个名为“地球”的地方... 以上就是DOOM系列的全部剧情了,在这里特别感谢B站UP主“达奇上校”对于文章的大力支持(新DOOM剧情方面)。DOOM系列游戏本身碎片化隐晦描述的方式使得对于剧情的理解本身...
DOOM SLAYER立刻朝着亚金能源塔顶端进发,希望赶在皮尔斯开启地狱大门前杀死她,但就在DOOM SLAYER刚刚到达塔顶时,皮尔斯也启动了亚金蓄能器,次元门开启的冲击波将皮尔斯与DOOM SLAYER一起传送到了地狱之中。 DOOM SLAYER来到了卡丁格圣所的周围,这里曾是自己被恶魔封印沉睡了数千年的地方,恶魔们对他攻击如同隔靴搔痒一...