„Serie 5 Viva Las Vega“-Event von DOOM Eternal verpasst In diesem Paket gibt es über 12 kosmetische Gegenstände, darunter all die Charakter- und Waffen-Skins, Animationen, Spielersymbole und Namensplaketten. Bekämpfen Sie mit Stil die Hölle
What's new with DOOM Eternal Horde Mode and Update 6.66 Available Now Free to all players! Experience the all-new arcade-style Horde Mode, compete in the upgraded BATTLEMODE 2.0 multiplayer, put your skills to the test with two all-new Master Levels, earn new skins for the DOOM Slayer an...
The Doom Slayer is the main protagonist of the Doom franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the original trilogy and it's spin-off, Doom 64. He returns as the protagonist of Doom (2016), Doom Eternal and Doom: The Dark Ages. The demons first gave h
Doomguy And Doomslayer Skins guest Free plan |Upgrade account_circleMy profile My mods My collections imageMy media account_balance_walletMy wallet Tracking centre historyDownload history Give Feedback settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences
Missed out on DOOM Eternal’s Series Six event - Halloween 2020 Grab over 12 cosmetic items, including all the character and weapon skins, custom animations, and player icons and nameplates. Fight the hordes of Hell in style in DOOM Eternal’s epic campa
虽然白金Slayer..谁叫人家武器包是全的,整整20个新武器呢三个外观一个俩皮肤一共六个皮肤不得不说 永恒这个外观展示做的什么玩意,怎么转视角居然都不如九十度侧面好看
觉得无厘头“遇事不决,量子力学;故事元素不够,平行宇宙来凑。”后来逐渐品读“Doom Slayer跟地狱恶魔不共戴天,但在努尔之环暗夜守卫面前也是个异乡人”的时候:产生了强烈的现实代入感:“这仿佛说的就是我的现实人生。” 送TA礼物 1楼2020-06-17 12:03回复 ...
Could you add DOOM 2016 And DOOM Eternal armour please? if you think you can from the trailer it would be cool if you could get DOOM the dark ages armour too. MrEgg0 premium 31 kudos 25 June 2024, 5:31PM I'm planning on updating with more skins once the SDK comes out Ben...
The Doom Slayer, also known as Doomguy, is the main protagonist of the Doom franchise. He is a mysterious, yet violent space marine with a sworn hatred of demons, who regularly wages one-man wars against the forces of Hell. Despite his sadistic tendencies and antisocial behavior, the ...
可不是帝皇冠军,帝皇亲自承认doom和他对等是盟友,是人类战神,代号大狼王 来自Android客户端5楼2021-12-26 12:40 收起回复 燃烧ERWT 死从天降 9 来自Android客户端6楼2021-12-26 12:54 回复 泰提修斯 無雙勇者 14 摄政王宴请DOOM呀,真不错。 来自Android客户端7楼2021-12-26 13:11 回复 恶魔考拉 ...