然后暗夜守卫把他放到竞技场当奴隶,后来恶魔入侵,他在战场上表现相当出色,终于被暗夜守卫们承认为战友。他变得一天比一天强大,暗夜守卫的合作种族——梅克天使中有一个人决定把他改造成最强大的战士,这才有了现在神挡杀神的Doom Slayer。doom不是背叛者很早之前就实锤了,ds是中途加入暗夜守卫的,同袍之间关系不...
Installment Simulator Share “The only thing they fear... is you.” Prime 1 Studio is proud to present the DOOM Slayer from the upcoming video game –DOOM Eternal. DOOM Eternal, the sequel to 2016’s action game of the year, DOOM. Developed by id Software and set to release on March ...
Buy DOOM Eternal on PS4 and PS5. Discover DOOM Slayer’s origins and his enduring mission to rip and tear.
DOOM Slayer因此更加愤怒,他孤身一人与地狱及背叛者们的战斗持续了不知多少年,在无尽的缠斗中,一位不知名的恶者为其打造了可怕的执政官盔甲,因此每一次战斗都让DOOM Slayer变得更加强大,地狱被他杀的屁滚尿流,无数恶魔都成为了他的刀下亡魂。最终,无奈的地狱牧师用陷阱将其封印在了卡丁格圣所内,DOOM Slayer终于...
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods, segunda parte Vive la épica conclusión de la saga del DOOM Slayer. Negaste a los dioses y despertaste un mal ancestral. Ahora debes reunir las fuerzas dispersas de los Centinelas, asediar el último bastión del infierno, derribar las murallas de su fortaleza...
它们惹了大麻烦。背叛者得知自己遭受了欺骗,开始了对恶魔进行堪称种族灭绝的残忍复仇。他无尽的怒火开始疯狂地屠杀地恶魔,见到过他而幸免于难的恶魔将他称为Doom Slayer。随着Doom Slayer的疯狂屠杀,地狱中已经无人能和他抗衡,整个地狱都渐渐绝望,恶魔们不得不开始从地狱中逃离。不久后,Doom Slayer遇到了一位...
Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in DOOM Eternal - the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. SLAYER THREAT LEVEL AT MAXIMUM - Armed with a shoulder-mounted flamethrower, retractable wrist-mounted blade, upgraded guns and mods, and abilities, you're faster, stronge...