Dolly Parton On-Line features the latest Dolly Parton news, tour info, photos, lyrics, discography, links and more to all things Dolly Parton!
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Buy Dolly Parton - Playlist: The Very Best of Dolly Parton - Music & Performance - CD at
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Dolly Parton 发行众星云集的摇滚专辑 “Rockstar” Dolly Parton - 美国著名乡村歌手, 2022摇滚名人堂入选者 - 终于发行了她的首张摇滚专辑 “Rockstar,” 其中收录她与 Paul McCartney, Stevie Nicks, Elton John,...
品种: 音乐CD 统一编号: au25143299 店内编号: 1 属性: 流行歌曲CD , 标准型光盘 , 个人专辑 , 90-99年 , 国外语言 , , , , , , , 简介: 1993.美国原版DollyParton《SlowDancingWithTheMoon》。没有划痕,品相完美! 备注: 录入举报 打假举报 失去理智 98.94 %信誉 陕西- 渭南 已认证 零售: ...
“On this CD I think there are all of the colors of my life in all the areas of music that you’ve allowed me to dabble in through the years,” said Parton “You will hear my old world mountain voice on songs like ‘Banks of The Ohio’ and ‘If I Had Wings’ my tender side ...
There's more than meets the eye to Dolly Parton, the autobiographical title cut of "Backwoods Barbie" tells us, and her first mainstream country album in years is an important reminder of the breadth of her singing and songwriting talents.
参数信息 ISBN编号 9780451532374 出版社名称 Grosset & Dunlap 纸质 轻型纸 装帧类型 平装-胶订 主题 儿童启蒙绘本 正文语种 英文 版本 平装 副书名 蓝思值 AD520L 字数 以实物为准 作者 Dolly Parton 开本 255x255x3mm 内文方式 图文本 分册名 (9成新左右)平装 ...
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