Breezy and cheery aside, from the get-go we're immediately enveloped by Parton's unmistakable voice, dipping and swaying over A-list musicians who remain in check to unleash Dolly's always-charming power, grace and personality. And what show wouldn't be complete without guests? Besides Davis...
‘BETTER’ IS BEST:Dolly Parton has her biggest solo hit on Hot Country Songs in just over 15 1/2 years. “Better Get to Livin'” (Dolly) is a new entry at No. 57. That’s Dolly’s highest posting billed on her own since “Country Road” ambled to No. 46 the week of March 7...
She called up her song list and put onDolly Parton. Hun kaldte sin playliste frem og valgteDolly Parton. Literature Dolly Parton'ssupposed to be sitting here? SkulleDolly Partonsidde her? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 He’d initially been alarmed by the number ofDolly PartonCDs in her car. ...
Simmy Richman
Among the whopping 30-song collection, which will be spread over four LPs or two CDs, there are also a few Parton originals, including her first single off the album, "World on Fire."
Also interesting is that they had the foresight to also include a CD player in the box, just in case the technology at that time moves so far past CDs or physical product, they won’t be able to procure a player to hear it.“There’s no telling what music is going to be by then...
That year was also the first and last time Dean attended a red carpet. As the pair drove home, Dean reportedly told Parton (via theDaily Mail), "Dolly, I want you to have everything you want, and I'm happy for you, but don't you ever ask me to go to another one of them dang...
Do you look at yourself as the Dolly Parton brand? Absolutely. I’m a very professional Dolly Parton. I can’t tell anybody else how to run their life or their business, but I really believe I’ve got a good bead on myself. I know who I am, I know what I can and can’t do...
Blue Smoke Dolly Parton Reviewed by Robert Loy Of all the songs you never expected Dolly Parton to cover, Bon Jovi's "Lay Your Hands on Me" has got to be near the top of the list. Although by the time Miley Cyrus's godmother gets through personalizing the song there's not enough of...
star must have known he would end up in third place behind the two rappers, and that’s where “Just Who I Am: Poets and Pirates” (BNA) is sitting, as it debuts at No. 3. Still, “Poets” is Chesney’s highest-charting album on The Billboard 200 after those four No. 1 CDs....