Increases the minimum salary threshold level for EAP exempt employees.The final rule increases the salary threshold required to exempt a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee from federal overtime requirements. The new salary threshold will occur in two phases...
Employers must revert to the prior salary threshold of $107,432 per year for highly compensated employee exemptions. Background: The 2024 Rule The DOL published the 2024 Final Rule on August 30, 2023, proposing its first major update to salary levels for overtime exemptions since 2020. Key ...
Release of Final DOL Exempt Employee Salary Rule Likely ImminentEdward E. Hollis
Sylvia Bokyung St. Clair
C. Baird BrownMulgrew, D. "DOL announces proposed revisions to FLSA regu- lations doubling the minimum salary requirement for exempt employees," National Law Review, Jul. 2, 2015, http://www.natlaw- propose...