Cysteine mutation or the presence of a divalent ion chelating agent will affect the formation of the zinc finger structure,and then the Dof protein cannot bind to the target DNA,resulting in the loss of its activity. The Cys residue and Zn2+ form a CX2CX21CX2C motif by covalent binding ...
The Dof domain, is a DNA-binding domain that contains a C2C2-type zinc finger motif that recognizes a cis-regulatory element with a common core sequence of 5′-(A/T)AAAG -3′, except a pumpkin Dof protein designated as AOBP that recognizes an 5′-AGTA- 3′ sequence4...
residues,includesasingleC2-C2zincfingerintheN-terminalregionsoftheproteins.Inthe25 C-terminal,theaminoacidsequenceoftheproteinismorechangeable,anditisthespecific transcriptionalregulatoryregionsoftheDofproteins.Dofproteinsplayanimportantroleinplant growthanddevelopment.Inthisarticle,wesummarizetheknowledgeofDofdomainpro...
DNA, nucleotide sequences, protein composition, genetic techniques and protocols, binding proteins, molecular sequence data, plant breeding, zincThe storage proteins and isozymes of two accessions of Aegilops longissima, and the F-2 progeny from the cross between them, were analyzed. Six loci were ...
Overexpression of AtDOF4.7 resulted in down-regulation of PGAZAZ AtDOF4.7 interacted with another abscission-related transcription factor, Arabidopsis ZINC FINGER PROTEIN2. Taken together, our results suggest that AtDOF4.7 participates in the control of abscission as part of the transcription complex ...
Abstract: Dof(DNA-bindingwith one finger)domain proteins asplant-specific transcription factors,presumably include a single C2-C2zinc finger.Dof domain proteinsmediate bothDNA-binding and protein-protein interactions.During the past decade,numerousDof domain proteins havebeen identified in both monocots an...
namely Dof domain which contains a single C2C2-type zinc-finger- like motif and specifically recognizes an (A/T)AAAG sequence as the recognition core. It suggests that the Dof transcription fac-tors play diverse roles in specific biological processes in plants. Members of this protein family ...
encoding a Dof zinc finger domain containing protein,was the candidate gene of LD1.Further analysis showed Amino acid cysteine(C) to arginine(R) mutation was likely to lead to the zinc finger protein deactivation.Point mutation analysis reveals that cysteine at position 51 was critical to LD1 ...
对氨基酸同源性分 maize zinc-fingerprotein bindsthe prolamin box in zein gene 析表 明.Dof类蛋 白在物种之前 同源性不高 .在 N promoters and interact with the basic leucine zipper 端由52个氨基酸构成 .其结构域高度保守.与保 transcriptional activatoropaque2[J].ProcNatlAcadSciUSA, 守的Dof结构域不...