these artificial sweeteners actually are.Sugar-free sugar sounds wrong and that's because there is no such thing as sugar-free sugar.Some of these sugar-free alternatives still contain sugar and the ones that don't contain sugar have chemicals your body often does not know...
But if you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make insulin (type 1 diabetes) or doesn’t respond to it normally (type 2 diabetes). That can leave your blood sugar too high for too long. Over time, this can damage nerves and blood vessels and lead to heart disease and other problems....
Sugar adds calories which if you eat more than you need, you will gain weight. Weight gain increases your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or even some types of cancer. If your body doesn’t make enough insulin like a person with diabetes, then the sugar you...
According to research, excessive sugar intake can decrease the body’s ability to defend itself against illnesses. It can cause you to experience diarrhea and hyperacidity as well so try your best to maintain an average sugar level.PreeclampsiaPreeclampsia is a medical condition that a pregnant ...
An abundance of added sugar likely contains fructose or high fructose corn syrup. Fructose is process in the liver and in large amounts can damage the liver. When fructose is broken down in the liver it is transformed into fat. In turn this causes: ...
Susan doesn't like to put something sugar in the office. Orientation for new employers is very important in most companies. Now work in groups. And one acts like it's a director while other actors, it's a super worth and clicks. Work together to make a list of the items to be ...
Getting informed on what it does to your body (and brain!), so you can get smarter about your own consumption. Below, we share the not-so-sweet truth about sugar. Sugar and the Body Before we dive deep into the science of sugar, there’s an important distinction to make. When we ...
Include more vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, fatty fish, and low sugar. These foods will prevent obesity, blood pressures and type II diabetes that kills sex drive. Give your body what it needs to be sexually fulfilled. Conclusion Testosterone is a vital hormone in maintaining sexual drive...
The average person doesn’t need some fancy supplement or expensive prescription, you can simply eat whole real foods that support the detox process, while avoiding things that are known to tax the liver such astoxic cooking oils(soybean, corn, canola) andsugar. ...
Sugar is sugar is sugar. All the sugar is processed the same way and your body doesn’t really care where it came from. Of course in fruits the sugar comes with vitamins and antioxidants, so that’s good, but it’s still sugar. ...