Gross Trade Accounting Method:Official Trade Statistics and Measurement of the Global Value Chain. Soc. Sci. China 2015, 9, 108–127+205–206. [Google Scholar] Zhang, S. Industry Transference of GVC Mode—Force, Influence and Inspiration for China’s Industrial Upgrading and Balanced Development...
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household population, wages of employees in employment, gross regional growth per capita, and total retail sales of consumer goods. For firm-level control variables we chose the number of employees, operating revenue growth rate, cost of sales, gearing ratio, return on net assets...
On average, this equates to around £1.54 per day or around £561 gross annual earnings (i.e., before tax). Table 5 – Effect of achieving five GCSEs A* to C on early career labour market outcomes – regression output Model 1) Employed years 11 to 13 - OLS Model 2) Claiming ...
supply chains into compliant and non-compliant streams if the benefits of selling to regulated EU markets exceed the costs of implementing zero-deforestation supply chain policies across Brazil. This would reduce gross avoided deforestation relative to our analysis and could also weaken the influence ...