What does the New Testament teach about tithing? Is it biblical to tithe in the New Testament? Are tithes mentioned in the New Testament? What is tithing in the Old Testament? Where in the New Testament does it mention tithing? When did tithing begin in the New Testament? Is the 10...
Covenants are important features of the Bible, and there are various covenants in the Old Testament. The Old Testament includes the Abrahamic covenant, the Mosaic covenant, the Davidic covenant, and the priestly covenant. Many Christians point to what they call the New Covenant in the New ...
They use those same temptations to woo other Christians into the prosperity gospel trap. The verses also mention that many had wandered away from the faith because of these teachings. 1 Timothy 3:3: "not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money."...