The New Testament follows the Old Testament in the Bible, the book which is held sacred by all Christians. The New Testament touches on some of the same themes as the Old Testament, yet it also gives a very different perspective on how the faithful should live....
My goal with this page is to shine a light on what the Bible says about tithing (in both the New and Old testament) and answer many questions you may have about it. I tapped into the wisdom of others who have studied tithing in the Bible to great depths and hopefully we can better...
My goal with this page is to shine a light on what the Bible says about tithing (in both the New and Old testament) and answer many questions you may have about it. I tapped into the wisdom of others who have studied tithing in the Bible to great depths and hopefully we can better...
When did tithing begin in the New Testament? When is Jesus mentioned in the Old Testament? Where does the New Testament come from? How does the New Testament continue the Old Testament? When was the Tanakh written? Where does the Old Testament end?
” Considering that Jesus agreed with the tithe, many interpret the tithe as a Law carried over into the New Covenant, binding on all believers. But after the Gospels, tithing is only mentioned once in the rest of the New Testament in Hebrews (7:4), and that is in regard to the ...
In The Great Gospel Deception David Servant examines what the New Testament actually teaches about saving faith, God’s transforming grace, and “the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14). David questions the modern gospel that has become so popular, but which often...
While there is plenty of room to question the New Testament documents, there is no credible historical data to support this statement. One can refer to scholars like Elaine Pagels and John Crossan all day, but unless others like NT Wright are also consulted/cited, you fail to take into acco...
In his Last Will and Testament, Padre Martínez named Santiago Valdez as executor and heir of his books and papers. In December of 1868, a year and a half after the Padre’s death, Valdez first began writing in Spanish the biography of the Padre. Benjamin Maurice Read, friend and business...
The first woe indicts the Pharisees for being hypocrites who refuse to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and “lock” their followers out of Heaven. The Pharisees’ rigid and distorted interpretation of the Torah (the five first books of the Old Testament) led men away from Israel’s Messiah, ...
I have been in discussion with some guys online who are arguing that any consumption of alcohol is prohibited by the New Testament. They use the same old arguments I have heard before: the wine in the bible was not alcoholic, was diluted with water, etc. What was the position of Christi...