Biblical writers sometimes refer to angels as “men” and always describe them as having a male form (Genesis 18:2; Daniel 8:15; 10:18); but angels do not have gender like humans, and they neither marry nor reproduce (Matthew 22:30). Angels in the Bible are never described as females...
They expected Jesus could come at any moment; many believed it would happen during that time (and I was one of them). One aspect of Bible prophecy which people especially focused on was trying to figure out who the antichrist was. There were all kinds of rationales and speculations about ...
The Bible begins with the foundational concept of marriage in Genesis 2:24, which states, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This concept of two becoming one flesh is reiterated by Jesus in the New Testament, ...
How was Jesus portrayed in the Gospel of Mark? Who is Barabbas in the New Testament? How does the Book of Joshua foreshadow Jesus? How is Jesus foreshadowed in the Old Testament? What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How did Josephus describe Jesus' appearance? How is Jesus portrayed in...
Without context from the Bible, there was still something inside me that knewmasturbationand porn were perverse. And I wanted to be free from it. When I gave my heart to Jesus at the age of 16, those struggles didn't miraculously disappear. However, within two years, God gave me the f...
Kinsolving, Carey
The post-apostolic, institutional church has always proclaimed that Jesus was both man and God, and this is still the situation to this day. This church asserts that Jesus preexisted as God, being one of three co-equal and co-eternal members of a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus), ...
Christians will not find the word “suicide” in Scripture, but the fact of suicide is seen throughout Scripture as an evidence of the struggle some have with the effects of mankind’s fallen nature. The Bible teaches that Satan, the father of lies, come
The Christmas cat A cozy Nativity story for those who love Christmas and cats. All babies are beautiful and all babies cry. Jesus was no exception. On the night he was born, nothing Mary, Joseph, or the animals in the stable could do would comfort him. Bu... M Macdonald,AJ Bates 被...
Jesus used this word when he said in Matthew 16:18, "upon this rock I will build my ekklesia." William Tyndale's 1535 Bible translates the verse: "upon this rock I will build my congregation." W.D. Ross wrote inAristotle(Lo...