Soul definition: the soul is our humanity that makes us feel emotions The spirit is our deeper connection with the Lord when we believe in God and receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Let's dig deeper into the difference. Glory Dy Contributing Writer Updated Dec ...
Daniel 7:13 sn This text is probably the main OT background for Jesus’ use of the term “son of man.” In both Jewish and Christian circles the reference in the book of Daniel has traditionally been understood to refer to an individual, usually in a messianic sense. Many modern scholars...
That is not the only Advent, however. The second coming of Christ, or second Advent, has not yet happened. We know from the Bible, the Word of God, that it will happen. Jesus is coming again! We simply don’t know when. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day...
*Note: Some scholars believe that this “man clothed in linen” was a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. (That is, appearing as He existed before being born as a baby in Bethlehem.) If true, this would be a variation of “God appearing as an angel.” We agree that the Bible ...
Here are ten beautiful descriptions of heaven from the Bible. These can give us a better idea of what heaven will look like! Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/NORIMA1. Heaven has Mansions Where We WIll Dwell with Jesus - John 14:2-3 “In My Father’s house are many mansions...
In the Gospel of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35, Jesus wept. In fact, in the King James Bible the verse is simply two words: Jesus wept. As Jesus...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your ...
Haughty, ambitious, and covetous of power and glory, this sprit-filled brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind." Milton R. Hunter, Gospel Through the Ages, p. 15There are major differences between the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Mormon church. Here'...
The story of Joseph, Mary, and the Baby Jesus taking to the road has special global resonance at a time when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates there are close to 125 million "forcibly displaced" people around the world. This Advent Sunday, I'm presenting six pieces on the Fl...
All that remains is that we accept the priceless Gift. But we do have to decide. No decision is a decision against Him. While there is breath there is hope. Jesus told the man next to Him, “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” Obviously that man didn’t have time to do al...
The Jews is the context of Romans 9-11, not Gentiles. I did not ignore your CALVINIST FAMOUS VERSE that Not all Israel is of Israel. I told you from the git go the following: “We all know that the “CHILDREN OF PROMISE” is thru JESUS, the promised SEED, not Isaac, the promised...