They expected Jesus could come at any moment; many believed it would happen during that time (and I was one of them). One aspect of Bible prophecy which people especially focused on was trying to figure out who the antichrist was. There were all kinds of rationales and speculations about ...
The post-apostolic, institutional church has always proclaimed that Jesus was both man and God, and this is still the situation to this day. This church asserts that Jesus preexisted as God, being one of three co-equal and co-eternal members of a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus), ...
The Bible says that death is the penalty of sin (see Genesis 3:3, 4, 19; Romans 6:23). Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin that we should have paid. If the Creation narrative, including the origin of sin, is only myth or allegory, what is sin? And was Jesus’...
The Christian Bible: The Christian Bible is made up of two parts. First, it is made up of the Old Testament that includes many religious texts that had been important to the Jewish religion. Second, it is made up of the New Testament that includes books directly relevant to Jesus Christ...
Judas, Jesus’ disciple and betrayer, hung himself when he understood he had betrayed “innocent blood” (Matthew 27:3-10). A prevented suicide took place in a Philippian jail. Thinking the prisoners had escaped, the jailer drew his sword to kill himself, but Paul prevented the suicide, ...
Since the Roman soldiers were bad guys and they gambled for the robe of Jesus, gambling must be bad. Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments ... and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. They said therefore among th...
Learn what the Bible says about miracles including answers to, How Can You Tell If a Miracle Is of God? and Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?
, because Jesus’ resurrection has signalled the beginning of the End of the World. Thirdly, Jesus’ ascension to the Father means he has poured out his Spirit—on all of his people Israel, but also on ‘all flesh’ which will include Gentiles, as the story of Acts goes on to describe...
Free Essay: Step 1: In this Pentecostal painting, the Holy Spirit is descending over Jesus and the apostles. This is shown through the ‘tongues of fire’ over...
Kinsolving, Carey