在TypeScript中如果按JS的方式去获取对象属性,有时会提示形如Property 'value' does not exist on type 'Object'的错误。具体代码如下: varobj:Object=Object.create(null); obj.value="value";//[ts] Property 'value' does not exist on type'Object'. 这是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时在该对象没有定义...
在TypeScript中如果按JS的方式去获取对象属性,有时会提示形如Property 'value' does not exist on type 'Object'的错误。具体代码如下: varobj:Object=Object.create(null); obj.value="value";//[ts] Property 'value' does not exist on type'Object'. 这是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时在该对象没有定义...
var obj: Object = {}; obj.value = "value"; //[ts] Property 'value' does not exist on type'Object'. 这是因为TS在代码执行检查时在该对象没有定义相应的属性,解决办法如下: 1.将对象类型设置为any varobj:any=Object.create(null);obj.value="value"; 2.通过字符方式获取对象属性 varobj:Object...
2. 分析原因 经过尝试发现,在TypeScript环境中如果按JS的方式去获取对象属性,就会提示形如Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'XXX'的错误。 这是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时,如果该对象没有定义相应属性的类型,就会产生该报错。 3. 解决办法 1. 将报错位置类型转为any(不推荐) 可以尝试将报错位置的代...
Type 'Object' is missing the following properties from type 'any[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more. src/app/posts/posts.component.ts(32,33): error TS2339: Property 'id' does not exist on type 'Object'. import { BadInput } from './../common/bad-input'; import { Not...
Property 'testDataArray' does not exist on type 'Object'. While still logging an array of objects [Object, Object, ..] as intended.I really do not understand why, I am sure I am doing something wrong, I would love an explanation....
hi I clone the code from the githup m and when i run the ionic ,I get this error: Property 'name' does not exist on type 'object'. src/pages/home/home.ts } return claims.name; } Contributor mraible commented Aug 17, 2017 I saw this issue on a different project yesterday, but ...
在HbuilderX中写vue3+typescript,报Property ‘xxx’ does not exist on type VueInstance? 1 回答3.5k 阅读✓ 已解决 Typescript - Type alias 'T' circularly references itself? 1 回答2.5k 阅读 TypeScript 报错:Cannot find type definition file for 'sass' ? 727 阅读 typescript的InstanceType<type>...
Property '_id' does not exist on type 'ObjectId' Mongoose adds a _id getter to ObjectId instances so you can use story.author._id regardless of whether author is populated. Population Why do you want it I can always use document._maybePo...
TypeScript 错误property does not exist on type Object 2018-11-30 14:03 −... limbobark 4 38990 react中使用typescript时,error: Property 'setState' does not exist on type 'Home' 2019-12-06 18:50 −问题描述: 我在react中用typescript时,定义一个Home组件,然后在组件里用setState时会有这样...