通过以上步骤,您应该能够诊断并解决“object does not exist on the server or you don't have permissions to access”的问题。如果问题依旧存在,请考虑联系技术支持以获取更专业的帮助。
ORA-06564:object does not exist 问题描述: 最近服务器迁移后,执行某个存储过程时如题错误,该程序涉及到一张外表,提示的是TEST_DIR这个对象找不到,发现此对象是一个directory路径,外表的加载文件路径 问题分析: 因为迁移前的程序是正常执行的,将该外表在sql窗口中查询调用都没问题,最终考虑到是否是迁移环境后执行...
但遇到错误Object does not exist(DTGP) dsdt少了DTGP函数 貌似需要在开头处追加DTGP method 求解 具体怎么添加DTGP函数 !
ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist Enter user-name: ERROR: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist 注意:以上的连接方式采用了TWO_TASK这个环境变量,在Unix和Linux环境下,可以设置TWO_TASK环境变量,当用户连接数据库且没有指定服...
12545, 00000, "Connect failed because target host or object does not exist" // *Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being // connected to does not exist. // *Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-06564: Object Does Not Exist When Pinning Objects In Shared Pool View (v$db_object_cache)
ORA-12545:Connect failed beacuse target host or object does not exist,更换计算机名,重新启动系统后oracle的监听器就无法正常启动,总是提示ORA-12545:Connectfailedbeacusetargethostorobjectdoesnotexist,每次监听器启动完就自动又关闭。打开oracle目录D:\ORACLE\o
首先了解一个常识,域名过期后多久被删除,多久可以重新注册:国际域名:(1) 到期当天暂停解析,如果在72小时未续费,则修改域名DNS指向广告页面(停放)。38天内,可以自动续费。续费后,系统自动恢复原来的DNS,刷新时间大概是24-48小时。(2) 39-70天,域名处于赎回期(Redemption),此期间域名无法...
Describe the bug There is an object that is being reported as missing when I try to pull, and I cannot delete or restore that object. It's not an important file so if there is a way to simply delete it I would be happy with that. When I ...
linux 下的 listener.ora 中的 HOST 是 win7下的 listener.ora 中的 HOST 是 admin-PC 你把LINUX下的 变成 admin-PC 试一下,由 ORA-12545 来看,现在的问题是找不到主机,想办法让客户端能识别服务器,应该就可以了。