Live tobacco-free:If you use tobacco or nicotine products of any kind, it's important to quit. This includes saying no to smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco or nicotine products. You should also steer clear of secondhand smoke as best as you can. Control cholesterol and high blood pressure...
heart rate, blood pressure, circulation, and immune function15. Research indicates the increased electrical conductivity of tissues along acupuncture meridians16. This result suggests that manipulation of the acupuncture meridians with needles may modulate the transmission...
Nicotine Tob. Res. 2021, 23, 635–642. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Noguchi, K.S.; Pryzbek, M.; Moncion, K.; McQuarrie, A.; Macdonald, M.J.; Tang, A. A History of Smoking Does Not Reduce Long-Term Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Men and Women...
The cilioretinal artery (CRA) is the most common congenital variant of the retinal circulation. It arises directly from the posterior ciliary artery or from the choroid, providing additional blood supply to the retina [8]. This is observed in eyes with central retinal artery occlusion, when pres...