This could be a male coworker that texts you every day, a good friend or a romantic interest. However, despite your connection with him, one of the main reasons why a person would text you every day is because you’re fun to talk to! The conversations with you could be fun, interesti...
hands free. The problem is I think I need more work on my breathing. I'm too inconsistent. The other positive is enjoying the feeling hours later, but that has a drawback. It can be distracting and a coworker may look at you strangely when you're mildly thrusting in your office ...
What it Means:This is the ultimate “you’re about to cross the line” gesture. The key here is to pay close attention towhenthis cue happens. If you say to your coworker, “You seem like you’re high on theopenness scale!” and you immediately see her place her hand on her hip,...
This Is the Worst Day of the Year to Be Single Valentine’s Day Date Ideas from Real People 135 V-Day Instagram Captions for Your Cutie Post Make V-Day the Sexiest Night of the Year 35 Ways to Celebrate V-Day Solo No More Guessing: What Men Really Want for V-Day ...
The character "Sucrose" seems very heavily autistic coded, and is frequently mocked and insulted by her coworker Timeaus for her traits like infodumping and hyperfocusing. She is frequently treated as being "weird" 2 comments | Add comment Does someone attempt suicide? National Suicide Prevention...
Two weeks ago I had a great opportunity to give a yoga workshop atmy church. Every year the youth group holds a retreat/sleepover over St. Patrick’s Day weekend (they call it the “LepreCon”, haha). My friend Warren, a social worker and therapist, was giving a workshop on meditat...
How can I support people in my life who are coming out as nonbinary? If you have a friend, family member, partner, or coworker who has come out as nonbinary, take initiative to educate yourself. “I get why cis folks want nonbinary people to teach them about what being nonbinary mea...
How can I support people in my life who are coming out as nonbinary? If you have a friend, family member, partner, or coworker who has come out as nonbinary, take initiative to educate yourself. “I get why cis folks want nonbinary people to teach them about what being nonbinary mea...
International business manager is my mother. Making introductions. Giving greetings. First meeting. Introducing others. May I present introduce the most formal. Allow me to introduce. I'd like to introduce. May I introduce. I'd like to meet. Do you know. Have you know. This is. It's ...
No, I didn’t have to worry for my career because a coworker or boss wanted to sleep with me and was gonna force or coerce me into doing so or giving up my career. Wow. Is that the best we can do? I’ve been privy to thousands of workplace “microaggressions” — the term we...