To give some context about me, I’ve always been told I’m a good looking guy and I’m very friendly, outgoing and socially confident. I get on well with everyone in the office and many of my female colleagues have told me straight-up that they love working with me a...
My coworkers are impressed by how much I’ve lost. One coworker took one pill of mine for the day and noticed that he only ate half of his lunch because once your body becomes “full”, your body will have you feel like that next bite will be disgusting, no matter how good and de...
I thought getting married would make me happy. It did the opposite. Here is how I’m learning to live with my life choices I’m still in love with my wife, but I feel unwanted. Here’s how I’ve been coping with the loneliness It’s not thatshe necessarily hates you(although she ...
How Eye Contact Can Tell You If a Guy Is Attracted to You By jaimeraitoujoursJun 15, 2023 Israel: Behind the Walls, Beneath the Iron Dome; Fighting to Continue to Exist By Angie B Williams14 hours ago Beautiful Women Over 40 - Part 2 ...
What it Means:This is the ultimate “you’re about to cross the line” gesture. The key here is to pay close attention towhenthis cue happens. If you say to your coworker, “You seem like you’re high on theopenness scale!” and you immediately see her place her hand on her hip,...
hands free. The problem is I think I need more work on my breathing. I'm too inconsistent. The other positive is enjoying the feeling hours later, but that has a drawback. It can be distracting and a coworker may look at you strangely when you're mildly thrusting in your office ...
"In my experience as a mental health professional, people who identify as nonbinary often describe feeling their gender in two main ways—feeling like they exist between the binaries of male and female, or existing beyond the binary or consuming the gender continuum entirely," says therapist Jor...
"In my experience as a mental health professional, people who identify as nonbinary often describe feeling their gender in two main ways—feeling like they exist between the binaries of male and female, or existing beyond the binary or consuming the gender continuum entirely," says therapist Jor...
My name is. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is. Let me introduce myself. I AM. I don't believe we have meat. Um, I AM. Hi, I AM. Beer. The last formal. The least formal. The poor thing. How do you do. Formal. Good to meet you. Finding out confirming someone's ...
Danny;s partner is not white man but a female hispanic… Oh I guess a problem that Jamie fell in love with his white female partner??? Reply CMP June 5, 2020 at 3:03 PM My fellow white person, no one said anything about Jamie and Eddie, because they have absolutely nothing to do...