⤻A“window of opportunity” (WOO) in therapy is a period of minor pain relief or boosted confidence that facilitates normal activity/exercise, which in turn is what delivers the true rehab value. This is exemplified in some cases of frozen shoulder. A placebo can also generate a bit of ...
-related pain can be discussed with your healthcare provider to weigh out a few options. "Going on birth control can help you manage your period symptoms," says Dr. Mysore. "Progesterone only can also be very helpful in managing the flow of your period and the intensity of your cramps."...
you are very likely out of touch with hunger signals. It can help to have a primer to guide you in first identifying them for what they are – and what counts as hunger might surprise you a little.
By the time the grilled chicken was plated, my cramps had gone from minor to the dull ache that accompanies a heavy period. By the time we moved inside for ice cream, I felt pain throughout my uterus and across my lower back. I was reminded of early labor and told my husband we sho...