Keep in mind that when you obtain a credit score, the number you’ll see is not necessarily the score your lenders will use. Some large lenders have proprietary credit scores they’ve created for their own purposes, says Matt Schulz, chief credit analyst for LendingTree. Still, the...
(VantageScore 4.0) was put together by the three credit bureaus –Experian,TransUnion, andEquifaxin 2006 in order to compete with the Fair Isaac Corp. Fair Isaac models theFICOscore, which had come to dominate the market as the preferred score used by lenders when issuing credit. VantageScore...
When you apply for a new card, Chase will obtain a copy of your credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.If your personal credit history shows at least five credit card accounts with an “opened date” in the last 24 months, Chase will...