Keep in mind that when you obtain a credit score, the number you’ll see is not necessarily the score your lenders will use. Some large lenders have proprietary credit scores they’ve created for their own purposes, says Matt Schulz, chief credit analyst for LendingTree. Still, the...
Hey Ken, I’d recommend having a look at your credit report with Equifax and Transunion via to double check. This post has more detail on how to double check your status. You can also check Experian with a free account. They will try to upsell you into a monthly subscr...
You can see your Experian and TransUnion credit scores based on the VantageScore (3.0) model inCredit Karma. What Factors Into your VantageScore? (The VantageScore Model) Before we get to VantageScore, let’s review how FICO scores are calculated: ...
Largest credit agencies like Equifax, TransUnion, and others use credit scoring methods like Beacon or FICO. Whereas lending clubs that facilitate...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our...