Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms: supply - tank, combat, full-tracked, 105-mm gun (DOD, IADB)Joint Chiefs of Staff
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms As of January 2020 PREFACE 1. Scope As directed in Joint Publication (JP) 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms [Short title: DOD Dicti
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: ...
2.APPLICABILITY.ThisinstructionappliestoOSD,theMilitaryDepartments,theOfficeof theChairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaffandtheJointStaff,theCombatantCommands,the OfficeoftheInspectorGeneraloftheDepartmentofDefense,theDefenseAgencies,theDoD FieldActivities,andallotherorganizationalentitieswithintheDoD(referredtocollectivelyin ...
A final solicitation to reopen the vehicle known as IAC-MAC and the associated requirements documents should go live on or after Sept. 5, DOD said in a presolicitation notice Monday. This window to join the Information Analysis Center Multiple-Award Contract will focus on itsfirst pool, which...
The Pentagon in Decemberannounced plansto stand up this central office to underpin the integration and synchronization of all data- and AI-associated work, which is primarily led by DOD’s Joint AI Center, office of the chief data officer and Defense Digital Service. Officials intend ...
between doubt, available information, and good faith".86 Corn also argues that the good faith assessment is "argu- ably" an "incomplete solution" as this test is typically associated with a subjective judgment as opposed to a "reasonable person" or objective test.87 Lawless comments on the ...
This simple app finds definitions for 10,300+ US Department of Defense-approved acronyms and terms as listed in JP 1.02, the "DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms", current as of December 2010.Developer: Bob Sims, with help and inspiration from several others. Thanks Tony (@anthony...
Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms: first light - fuze (specify) (DOD)Joint Chiefs of Staff
According to the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, end state is "the set of required conditions that defines achievement of the commander's objectives." But just because a project or building is finished, the responsibilities don't end for that project or building, said Hamilton,...