National Reconnaissance Office,NRO- an intelligence agency in the United States Department of Defense that designs and builds and operates space reconnaissance systems to detect trouble spots worldwide and to monitor arms control agreements and environmental issues and to help plan military operations ...
Looking for online definition of DOD/IEC or what DOD/IEC stands for? DOD/IEC is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Unlock the world of U.S. military terminology with milLingo, your go-to app for defining Department of Defense (DoD) terms and acronyms. Whether you're a military professional, contractor, or simply curious about defense terminology, milLingo helps you navigate through official terms from multipl...
The glossary was originally released as DoD 5000.59-M in January, 1998, under the authority of DoD Directive 5000.59, "DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management." It provided terms and acronyms which supplemented the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (JOINT PUB ...
2.APPLICABILITY.ThisinstructionappliestoOSD,theMilitaryDepartments,theOfficeof theChairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaffandtheJointStaff,theCombatantCommands,the OfficeoftheInspectorGeneraloftheDepartmentofDefense,theDefenseAgencies,theDoD FieldActivities,andallotherorganizationalentitieswithintheDoD(referredtocollectivelyin ...
# DoD Terms and Acronyms最新版 This simple app finds definitions for 10,300+ US Department of Defense-approved acronyms and terms as listed in JP 1.02, the "DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms", current as of December 2010.Developer: Bob Sims, with help and inspiration from sev...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Wikipedia. DOD (communications) direct outward dialing McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc....
Define Dod Grile. Dod Grile synonyms, Dod Grile pronunciation, Dod Grile translation, English dictionary definition of Dod Grile. Noun 1. Ambrose Bierce - United States writer of caustic wit Ambrose Gwinett Bierce, Bierce Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex cli
In addition to the main glossary of terms, this Manual includes a list of M&S-related abbreviations, acronyms, and initials commonly used within the Department of Defense. This Manual is effective immediately and is mandatory for use by all of the DoD Components. However, it is not a ...
The DoD M&S Glossary helps promote a uniform language within the DoD M&S community, provides a way for different sections of the DoD M&S community to communicate using the same terms and acronyms, and supplies a list of sources that contain relevant and current M&S information, and material. ...