Learn about the plant-based diet and vegan-friendly living in these excellent documentaries. These documentaries detail how a plant based diet benefits your health, the environment/climate, and how to live a cruelty-free life. Scroll down for sections that contain documentaries about health and eat...
The vegan movement is becoming more mainstream by the day. Whether consumers switch to a plant-based diet due to health concerns or out of protest against animal cruelty, vegans are challenging the status quo in the food industry. Corporations and certain political powers are on the ropes, and...
I am referring to the recent publication of the EAT-Lancet commission and shortly thereafter the release of the new version of the Canada Food Guide. Both of these policy documents advocate for a “plant-based” diet for improved health and sustainability. I find this alarming. It suggests to...
In this documentary series we take individuals eating a "Standard American Diet" on a 7-day diet makeover and watch their lives transform in that short time.
Diet Plant-Based Diets: An Overview of Options for Optimal Health McDonald's Fast food giants prey on parents' gullibility to sell unhealthy food to children Food The Honest Food Guide empowers consumers with independent information about foods and health ...
hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and cancer in the US was related to the popularity of fast food high in calories and animal protein and fat, while the incidence of these diseases was very low in China during the same period with a prefominantly plant-based diet...
WTH focuses on eating a plant based diet. Based on my own knowledge prior to watching this movie, I’ve always said that if I ever were diagnosed with cancer, I would become a vegan. I do believe in the power of a plant based diet. However, there are plenty of meat eaters who live...
Watch the Game Changers movie about plant-based eating, protein, and strength. Presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul.
a diet containing approximately three quarters of sea fish (i.e. mainly herring) relative to meat and incorporating proteins from plant sources, which corresponds well with the marine diet indicated by the carbon isotope values compared to the remainder of the population. The prisoners’/earthen bu...
Based on food contamination levels and human exposure rates in Europe after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, high levels of radiation were expected throughout the Fukushima food supply. It was clear early on that some foods produced near the plant—like fish, meat, milk, wild mushrooms and ...