Fan Fiction Short Film based upon the characters of the BBC Television Series 'Doctor Who'. In this story, the Doctor, Rose and Jack visit the Woodstock Film Festival in 1969... Directors Júlia López i Melià(as Júlia López Melià)|Sergi Páez ...
KK Chat -- 15 December 2024...byDesertRose [December 15, 2024, 07:46:23 PM] FS Out of Character ChatbyDerynifanK [December 14, 2024, 02:40:58 PM] Strangers in a Strange Land--A...byLaurna [December 14, 2024, 01:12:50 AM] ...
With her TARDIS key confiscated and Christmas fast approaching, Rose is tak... Child of the voidbyTardisGhost(Adult) The Master chases, the Doctor runs. That's how it has always been, that's h... On Torchwood Businessbybadly_knitted(All Ages) ...
If you’re looking for Rose Tyler tattoos, Bad Wolf Tattoos, Dalek Tattoo designs, or any Doctor Who (Tennant, Eccleston, or Smith) tattoo ideas, this gallery is a great place to start. And let's not forget the quotes! Dr. Who is arguably one of the most quotable shows a...
If you’re looking for Rose Tyler tattoos, Bad Wolf Tattoos, Dalek Tattoo designs, or any Doctor Who (Tennant, Eccleston, or Smith) tattoo ideas, this gallery is a great place to start. And let's not forget the quotes! Dr. Who is arguably one of the most quotable shows a...
Doctor Who: El Mundo Imperfecto: Directed by Sergi Páez. With Jordi Armengol, Beatle, Albert Boix, María Cegarra. Fan Fiction Film based upon the characters of the BBC Television Series 'Doctor Who upon its 50th anniversary'. Several incarnations of th
Later though, while dealing with the "Empty Child", the Doctor met Time Agent turned conman Captain Jack Harkness, and he and Rose travelled with him for a while. In the Titan Comics series, they began a quest to recover Jack's memories that were wiped by the Time Agency, running into...
The 10th Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant in 2005–10, became a fan favorite, along with such new characters as Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), his loyal assistant, and the mysterious River Song (Alex Kingston). In 2017 the show made news with the announcement that the 13th Doctor would be...
, Rose [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)., Smith and Jones [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007)., Partners in Crime [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008)., et al.) Later on, the Doctor thought of themselves ...
(TV: The Wheel in Space [+]) The three travellers would endure battles in the Land of Fiction (TV: The Mind Robber [+]) and join with UNIT and the newly promoted Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart to fight a Cyberman invasion, (TV: The Invasion [+]) until their travels came to an end ...