"The Doctor", a title embodying their promise to the universe, was the main alias used by a mysterious traveller of both space and time, also known as Doctor Who (sometimes abbreviated Dr. Who) and seemingly a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey. The Doctor adventured with numerous companions...
The 10th Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant in 2005–10, became a fan favorite, along with such new characters as Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), his loyal assistant, and the mysterious River Song (Alex Kingston). In 2017 the show made news with the announcement that the 13th Doctor would be...
However, after leaving Rose and his clone on her world and saying goodbye to his friends, the Doctor was forced to wipe Donna's mind of him to save her, and vowed to abstain from companions. The Doctor attempted to travel alone for the latter part of his life, but still found ...
Plus, Doctor Who is genuinely funny. I keep having to tell people this. “Scifi? Funny? Ah, yes, like one-liners in Star Trek, and those bits at the end of Knight Rider where they….” “NO NO, it’s actually genuinely ROFLy, you will occasionally hurt yourself and have Small Ac...
So, I’ve finally had a chance to see at least one serial of all eleven doctors inDoctor Who.I understand that this post will be completely subjective, but honestly, this is my blog, so isn’t it all completely subjective any way? Well, here goes, my list of favorite actors who have...
4-Year-Old Reviews "Doctor Who" Lindalee Rose is four years old and watches Doctor Who. She not only checks out the series every weekend, she reviews each episode in videos that are so cute they might just kill you. TxBlackLabel Sweet TARDIS Latte Art A barista after the hearts of...