I understand thatDockerfilesare used inDocker Compose, but I am not sure if it is good practice to put everything in one large Dockerfile with multipleFROMcommands for the different images?我知道Dockerfiles是在Docker Compose中使用的,但是我不确定将所有内容放在一个大型Dockerfile中,并为不同的图像...
See #5603 for some history. Allowing for multiple images to be built from a single Dockerfile (via multiple FROM commands), while interesting, isn't fully supported. In particular, the non-final images that are produced are not easily fo...
# Base image to use,thismust be set as the first line FROM ubuntu # Maintainer: docker_user<docker_user at email.com>(@docker_user) MAINTAINER docker_user docker_user@email.com # Commands to update the image RUN echo"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main universe" >> /etc...
This makes it easier to use with longer commands, because it lets you split them up into multiple lines. For example, consider these two lines: RUN source $HOME/.bashrc && \ echo $HOME They're equivalent to the following line: RUN source $HOME/.bashrc && echo $HOME You can also use...
FROM ubuntu:18.04 COPY . /app RUN make /app CMD python /app/app.py 复制代码 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 二、FROM FROM命令用于初始化一个新的构建阶段,并为后续指令设置基础镜像: FROM [--platform=<platform>] <image> [AS <name>] ...
{ "com.example.vendor": "ACME Incorporated", "com.example.label-with-value": "foo", "version": "1.0", "description": "This text illustrates that label-values can span multiple lines.", "multi.label1": "value1", "multi.label2": "value2", "other": "value3" } 七、ENV ENV命令用...
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore # Create Windows user in the container RUN net user /add patrick # Set it for subsequent commands USER patrick WORKDIR WORKDIR /path/to/workdir WORKDIR指令为Dockerfile中后续的RUN、CMD、ENTRYPOINT、COPY和ADD指令设置工作路径。如果WORKDIR不存在,那么即便没使用Dockerfile中...
$ docker build -t test/myapp .Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kBError response from daemon: Unknown instruction: RUNCMDDocker守护程序以Dockerfile一对一的方式运行指令,如有必要,将每个指令的结果提交到新映像,然后最终输出新映像的ID。Docker守护程序将自动清理您发送的上下文。
FROM <image>Defines a base for your image. RUN Executes any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commits the result.RUNalso has a shell form for running commands. WORKDIR <directory>Sets the working directory for anyRUN,CMD,ENTRYPOINT,COPY, andADDinstructions that follow...
# Multiple images example # # VERSION 0.1 FROM ubuntu RUN echo foo > bar # Will output something like ===> 907ad6c2736f FROM ubuntu RUN echo moo > oink # Will output something like ===> 695d7793cbe4 # You᾿ll now have two images, 907ad6c2736f with /bar, and 695d7793cbe4 ...