TheRUNinstruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used for the next step in theDockerfile. RUN 指令将在当前镜像顶部的新层中执行所有命令,并提交结果。生成的提交镜像将用于 Dockerfile 中的下一步。
# 构建myub:3 FROM ubuntu:22.04 # 在build-essential中会下载tzdata,会交互式的让用户选择时区 # 所以需要设置apt为非交互模式 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai # 更新软件源 RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get -y upgrade # 安装一些常用工具 RUN apt-get install -y \ python3...
RUN (the command is run in a shell -/bin/sh -c-shellform) RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"](execform) TheRUNinstruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used for the next step ...
The RUN instruction will execute any commands to create a new layer on top of the current image. The added layer is used in the next step in the Dockerfile. RUN has two forms: # Shell form: RUN [OPTIONS] ... # Exec form: RUN [OPTIONS] [ "", ... ] For more information...
RUN RUN has 2 forms:RUN (the command is run in a shell -/bin/sh -c-shellform)RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"](execform)TheRUNinstruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used...
RUN Executes any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commits the result.RUNalso has a shell form for running commands. WORKDIR <directory>Sets the working directory for anyRUN,CMD,ENTRYPOINT,COPY, andADDinstructions that follow it in the Dockerfile. COPY <src...
So we have the base stage, we run all the build commands in the image stage. We run no commands other than copying over this finished binary from the earlier stage. Now we can build that application, and we can compare the sizes of these two images, 25 megabytes versus 600 megabytes. ...
Sample Dockerfile commands as run on Apple M1 machine.Blue contains x86 binaries, yellow ARM. Both of the runtime stages are then converted into an OCI image and BuildKit will prepare anOCI Image Indexstructure(also called a manifest list)that contains both of these images. ...
RUN TheRUNinstruction specifies commands to be run, and captured into the new container image. These commands can include items such as installing software, creating files and directories, and creating environment configuration. The RUN instruction goes like this: ...
RUN has 2 forms: RUN (shell form, the command is run in a shell, which by default is /bin/sh -c on Linux or cmd /S /C on Windows) RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"] (exec form) The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image...