首先,我们需要创建一个名为Dockerfile的文件,可以使用任何文本编辑器来创建该文件。 Step 2: 编辑Dockerfile,添加拷贝宿主机文件的指令 #基于Ubuntu镜像构建新的镜像FROM ubuntu:latest#在容器中创建一个新的目录RUN mkdir /app#拷贝宿主机的文件到容器中的目录COPY /path/to/host/file /app/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
# docker cp [OPTIONS] SRC_PATH <-> CONTAINER:DEST_PATH # container和host之间cp文件 docker cp anaconda-ks.cfg ff:/usr/local/tomcat 1. 2. 3. 5. 数据卷 Volume 将宿主机目录映射到容器内部目录 创建create # 默认存放路径 /var/lib/docker/volumes/<volume_name>/_data/ docker volume create my...
docker build -t myimage . docker run -v/host/path:/var/lib/mysqlmyimage 在这个例子中,/host/path是宿主机上的目录,/var/lib/mysql是容器内的目录。通过-v参数,你将宿主机的/host/path目录挂载到了容器的/var/lib/mysql目录上。这样,容器对/var/lib/mysql目录的读写操作实际上是在操作宿主机上的/ho...
3. Copy the file to mounted docker volume-Now here is the command to copy the file to the mounted volume .i.e.test-volume 1# Docker command to copy file to mounted volume2# Please refer to the break down of the command below34docker run -itd --name httpd --mountsource=test-volume,...
RUN mkdir/root/.ssh/# Copy over private key, and set permissions ADD id_rsa/root/.ssh/id_rsa RUN chmod700 /root/.ssh/id_rsa RUN chown -Rroot:root/root/.ssh# Create known_hosts RUN touch/root/.ssh/known_hosts# Remove host checking ...
] RUN --mount allows you to create filesystem mounts that the build can access. This can be used to: Create bind mount to the host filesystem or other build stages Access build secrets or ssh-agent sockets Use a persistent package management cache to speed up your build...
COPY <host-path> <image-path> - this instruction tells the builder to copy files from the host and put them into the container image. RUN - this instruction tells the builder to run the specified command. ENV <name> <value> - this instruction sets an environment variable that a running...
Dockerfile 'COPY' command not copying files Docker Hub dockerhub,docker hoohost(Hoohost)January 14, 2021, 7:13pm8 Clear as mud. Are you referring to a clarification that was made privately? Please share? 1 Like show post in topic
在Docker 官方的Dockerfile 最佳实践文档中要求,尽可能的使用 COPY,因为 COPY 的语义很明确,就是复制文件而已,而 ADD 则包含了更复杂的功能,其行为也不一定很清晰。最适合使用 ADD 的场合,就是所提及的需要自动解压缩的场合。 另外需要注意的是,ADD 指令会令镜像构建缓存失效,从而可能会令镜像构建变得比较缓慢。
$ docker run -v /host/data:/app/data -v /host/logs:/app/logs my_image 上述命令将主机的/host/data和/host/logs目录分别映射到容器中的/app/data和/app/logs挂载点,实现了主机和容器之间的数据共享。 WORKDIR WORKDIR用于设置工作目录,也称为当前工作目录。在容器启动时,进程的当前工作目录将被设置为...