dockercp<container_id>:/path/to/file /path/on/host 1. 其中,<container_id>是要复制文件的容器ID,/path/to/file是容器中要复制的文件路径,/path/on/host是宿主机上要保存文件的路径。 例如,要将容器ID为abcd1234的容器中的/app/data.txt文件复制到宿主机上的/tmp目录下,可以运行以下命令: dockercpabcd...
--mount type=bind,source=<HOST-PATH>,destination=<CONTAINER-PATH>,bind-propagation=<PG-TYPE>,readonly <key>=<value>说明: source:数据卷源路径,关键字可以是 source 或 src,且执行挂在前确保文件或文件目录存在否则会执行出错 HOST-PATH:宿主机文件或目录的绝对路径 destination:数据卷目标路径,关键字可以...
但请记住,如果你经常移动容器,可能应该改而构建自己的专有库。 原文标题:How to Copy/Move a Docker Container to Another Host,作者:Alexandru Andrei 【51CTO译稿,合作站点转载请注明原文译者和出处为】
docker cp 文件路径 容器id:/容器目录 docker help cp Usage: docker cp [OPTIONS] CONTAINER:PATH LOCALPATH|- docker cp [OPTIONS] LOCALPATH|- CONTAINER:PATH Copy files/folders between a container and your host. Use '-' as the source to read a tar archive from stdin and extract it to a di...
to run the dotnet-dump and dotnet-symbol tools directlyENV PATH="/dotnetcore-tools:${PATH}"#Create a /dumps folderinthe Linux containerRUN mkdir /dumps#Copy the coredumps.tar.gz file from a Windows VM to the /dumps folder on a Linux VMCOPY ./...
If you’ve saved an image using "docker save", you can use the "docker-machine scp" command to copy it to a machine.Example In the following example, we’ll use "docker-machine scp" to copy image from the local host to machine1....
This caused default binding IPs configured through Engine's ip flag, or through the bridge option, to not be used. Fixed a bug where the pac setting was ignored in admin-settings.json. Build UI: Added a progress status when importing a build. ...
Second approach to copy from host to container: docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txt From a container to a container mixes 1 and 2 docker cp container_id1:./bar/foo.txt . docker exec -i container_id2 sh -c 'cat > ./bar/foo.txt' < ./foo.txt Share Improve this answer Foll...