Step 3: Copy the Folder and its Contents To copy the folder and its contents to the Docker container, we will use theCOPYinstruction. This instruction takes two parameters: the source directory (on the host machine) and the destination directory (in the container). COPY <destination_directory>...
这里的COPY指令和Linux的copy指令用法有所区别。Linux中的copy是通过参数对目录的cp进行控制,但是这里没有使用参数。因此运用自己的规则: 如果源目标都是文件夹,那么COPY会将源目录下的所有子文件或者目录COPY到目标目录下(If <src> is a directory, the entire contents of the directory are copied, including fi...
首先,拷贝一个文件夹到容器里的命令是 COPY 1. 同时拷贝多个文件夹就是这样? COPY src1 \ src2 \ 1. 2. 但是这么操作过后,你会发现容器里面WORKDIR目录下没有src1和src2,而是src1和src2目录下的文件。 官网对于COPY是这样解释的 Note: The directory itself is not copied, just its contents. 1. 也就...
The effective source path in this example becomes COPY something /something. If the source is a directory, the contents of the directory are copied, including filesystem metadata. The directory itself isn't copied, only its contents. If it contains subdirectories, these are also copied, and ...
<src>路径必须在构建的上下文内部;您不能执行COPY ../something /something,因为docker build的第一步是将上下文目录(和子目录)发送到 docker 守护进程。 If<src>is a directory, the entire contents of the directory are copied, including filesystem metadata. ...
在Dockerfile中,Copy命令用于将本地文件复制到正在构建的Docker镜像中。如果在Copy命令中找不到项目文件,可能是由于以下原因导致: 1. 文件路径不正确:请确保在Copy命令中指定...
COPY ./a . # Copying directory 'a' to 'c', recursively RUN ls -lR . # listing directory 'c', recursively docker-compose.yml version: '3.8' services: teste: image: teste build: # My local context is correct, just for completeness ...
@ashlander If you look at: you'll see a "Note" that says: Note: The directory itself is not copied, just its contents.. Do you think more is needed? 👀 1 Author ashlander commented on Dec 29, 2016 @duglin while i was tr...
You can read more about COPY instruction indocumentation. Here I paste explanation of this behaviour fromit: If is a directory, the entire contents of the directory are copied, including filesystem metadata. Note:The directory itself is not copied, just its contents. ...
拷贝一个文件夹到容器里的命令: COPY src WORKDIR/src 官网对于COPY是这样解释的 Note: The directory itself is not copied, just its contents. 也就是说,COPY指令如果是拷贝一个文件夹,那么只会拷贝文件夹的内容。这也就是第一个指令拷贝一个文件夹为何要WORKDIR/src的原因了,相当于在容器里面生成一个src文...