Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem Use ‘-‘ as the source to read a tar archive from stdin and extract it to a directory destination in a container. Use ‘-‘ as the destination to stream a tar archive of a container source to stdout. 扩展说明🔗 在容器和...
下面是一个简单的序列图,展示了 COPY 指令的执行过程: DockerImageLocalFilesystemDockerfileDockerImageLocalFilesystemDockerfileCOPY app /usr/src/appCopy files and folders 流程图 最后,我们可以用流程图来表示整个 COPY 指令的执行流程: YesNoStartBuild DockerfileRun Docker containerSuccess?EndDebug and Fix 通...
FROM ... AS base RUN ./generate-lot-of-files -o /out/ # /out/usr/bin/foo # /out/usr/lib/ # /out/usr/local/bin/baz FROM scratch COPY --from=base --parents /out/./**/bin/ / # /usr/bin/foo # /usr/local/bin/baz 上記の例は、中間ステージが生成したファイルのコ...
FROM microsoft/nanoserver COPY testfile.txt c:\\ RUN dir c:\ Results in: PS E:\myproject> docker build -t cmd . Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1/2 : FROM microsoft/nanoserver ---> 22738ff49c6d Step 2/2 : COPY testfile.txt c:\RUN dir c: GetFileAttributes...
Dockerfile的基本指令有十三个,分别是:FROM、MAINTAINER、RUN、CMD、EXPOSE、ENV、ADD、COPY、ENTRYPOINT、VOLUME、USER、WORKDIR、ONBUILD 1.1、FROM :指定基础镜像 所谓定制镜像,那一定是以一个镜像为基础,在其上进行定制。就像我们之前运行了一个nginx镜像的容器,再进行修改一样,基础镜像是必须指定的。而FROM就是指定...
FROM python:3.7.2-alpine3.8 LABEL maintainer="" ENV ADMIN="jeff" RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add bash COPY . ./app ADD\ /my_app_directory RUN ["mkdir", "/a_directory"] ...
2. Copy file using docker bind volume Utilizing abind volumeis yet another option formoving filesfrom thelocal hostto acontainerthat is currently running Docker. Through the use of bind volume, we are able to mount a directory on the local host as a volume within the container. Any alteratio...
# 构建阶段1 FROM golang:1.17 AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY . . # 编译应用程序 RUN go build -o myapp # 构建阶段2 FROM alpine:latest # 复制编译后的应用程序 COPY --from=builder /app/myapp /usr/local/bin/ # 设置工作目录 WORKDIR /usr/local/bin # 容器启动时运行的命令 CMD ["myapp"] ...
COPY:类似ADD,拷贝文件和目录到镜像中。 将从构建上下文目录中 <源路径> 的文件/目录复制到新的一层的镜像内的 <目标路径> 位置 VOLUME:容器数据卷,用于数据保存和持久化工作 CMD: 指定一个容器启动时要运行的命令 Dockerfile 中可以有多个 CMD 指令,但只有最后一个生效,CMD 会被 docker run 之后的参数替换 ...
COPY html /data/www/html/ # 在工作目录内build docker镜像 [root@CentOS8 build_workshop]# docker build . -tDarius/myweb:v0.01 Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.632kB Step 1/3 : FROM busybox:latest ---> 388056c9a683 Step 2/3 : LABEL maintanier="Darius<>" ...