Push all tags of an image (-a, --all-tags) Use the-a(or--all-tags) option to push all tags of a local image. The following example creates multiple tags for an image, and pushes all those tags to Docker Hub. $docker image tag myimage registry-host:5000/myname/myimage:latest$doc...
基本思路就是将通过解析cmd.Arg(0)参数,提取去要push的镜像的repository 和 tag,通过registry 和 repository获得repostoryInfo;如果需要安全验证,那么还要设置一下authConfig;接着通过POST:/images/xxxx/push? 请求调用server端的postImagesPush()函数;(在api/server/image.go)中,主要来分析一下这个函数: func (s *...
REPOSITORY:表示镜像的仓库源;TAG:镜像的标签;IMAGE ID:镜像ID;CREATED:镜像创建时间;SIZE:镜像大小; 同一仓库源可以有多个 TAG,代表这个仓库源的不同个版本,使用REPOSITORY:TAG来定义不同的镜像。如果不指定一个镜像的版本标签,docker 将默认使用mysql:latest镜像. docker search [OPTIONS] XXX: 搜索xxx镜像 --no-...
IMAGE TAGGING & PUSHING TO DOCKERHUB tags are labels that point to an image ID $ docker image ls Youll see that each image has a tag Retag existing image $ docker image tag nginx btraversy/nginx Upload to dockerhub $ docker image push bradtraversy/nginx If denied, do $ docker login ...
docker commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]] OPTIONS说明: -a提交的镜像作者; -c使用Dockerfile指令来创建镜像; -m 提交时的说明文字; -p 在commit时,将容器暂停。 使用实例:通过镜像创建容器,然后对容器层进行操作,再把操作后的容器层和镜像层打包成一个新的镜像提交。
push Push an image or a repository to a registry rm Remove one or more images save Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default) tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE Run 'docker image COMMAND --help' for more information on a command....
这是actions的代码,需要更改scrects和image的名称 name: Publish Docker image # workflow名称,可以在Github项目主页的【Actions】中看到所有的workflow on: push: branches: # master分支有push时触发此workflow - 'master' tags: # tag更新时触发此workflow - '*' jobs:
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. (amd64) 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, whi...
wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo 2、直接安装即可 yum install docker-ce 3、启动Docker systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker Docker简单就安装完了。 如果需要配置镜像加速,这里以阿里云为例,登录到https://cr.console.aliyun.com,然后获取自己独有...
This will display untagged images that are the leaves of the images tree (not intermediary layers). These images occur when a new build of an image takes therepo:tagaway from the image ID, leaving it as<none>:<none>or untagged. A warning will be issued if trying to remove an image wh...