Usage: boot2docker.exe [<options>] {help|init|up|ssh|save|down|poweroff|reset|restart|config|status|info|ip|shellinit|delete|download|upgrade|version} [<args>] 升级 下载最新的Docker for Windows Installer 运行安装程序,这将升级 Boot2Docker 管理工具 打开终端输入如下的命令来升级你现有的虚拟机: $...
docker save 命令可以使用 -o 选项将导出的镜像保存到指定的文件中,而 docker export 命令则直接将导出的容器文件系统输出到标准输出。因此,如果要将导出的容器文件系统保存到文件中,需要使用 shell 重定向符号将标准输出重定向到指定的文件中。 docker load 命令可以将镜像文件从标准输入中读取,并将其恢复到 Docker...
Docker Desktop now supports moving data to a different drive on macOS and Windows with WSL2 backend. See docker/for-win#13384. You can now schedule backups for volume exports in the Volumes tab (Beta). Access a terminal shell directly from Docker Desktop (Beta). ...
我试图在Windows 2019上以进程隔离模式运行Docker ( Desktop在这里不工作,我的VPS不支持Hyper-V)。我在PowerShell (都在管理员模式下)docker run -it --isolation=process cmd.exe /c ping -t中运行这个 然后我得到了错误: docker:在连接过程中出错:在...
Docker Desktop now supports moving data to a different drive on macOS and Windows with WSL2 backend. See docker/for-win#13384. You can now schedule backups for volume exports in the Volumes tab (Beta). Access a terminal shell directly from Docker Desktop (Beta). ...
A Dockerfile must be created with no extension. To do this in Windows, create the file with your editor of choice, then save it with the notation "Dockerfile" (including the quotes). DockerfileCopy # Sample Dockerfile# Indicates that the windowsservercore image will be used as the base ...
The preferred method for configuring the Docker Engine on Windows is using a configuration file. The configuration file can be found at 'C:\ProgramData\Docker\config\daemon.json'. You can create this file if it doesn't already exist.
Windows Linux containers: Known to work on WSL2 Windows containers: experimental support for Windows (see below for features that are currently known to work) Docker To run containerd and nerdctl inside Docker: docker build -t nerdctl.docker run -it --rm --privileged nerdctl ...
windows上安装docker 四、docker的架构 镜像(image):用于创建docker容器的模板 容器(container):独立运行的一个或一组应用,是镜像的实体 仓库(repository):用来保存镜像的 五、docker进程相关命令 1、启动docker systemctl start docker 2、停止docker systemctl stop docker ...
A Dockerfile must be created with no extension. To do this in Windows, create the file with your editor of choice, then save it with the notation "Dockerfile" (including the quotes). Dockerfile # Sample Dockerfile# Indicates that the windowsservercore image will be used as the base image...