docker save -o [filename].tar [image]Copy To include more than one image in a single tarball, list them all in one command: docker save -o [filename].tar [image1] [image2] [image3] [...]Copy Note:docker saveis analiasof thedocker image savecommand. The two commands are intercha...
You can locate containers usingdocker ps -aand filter them by their status:created,restarting,running,paused, orexited. To review the list ofexitedcontainers, use the-fflag to filter based on status. When you’ve verified you want to remove those containers, use-qto pass the IDs to thedoc...
Alternatively, use docker image save -o images.tar image1 [image2 ...] to save any images you want to keep to a local tar file. After backing up your data, you can uninstall the current version of Docker Desktop and install a different version or reset Docker Desktop to factory defaults...
The ‘docker save’ is used to save one or more than one image to a tar archive. It includes all parent layers, and all tags or versions. It is by default streamed to STDOUT, however, we can write to a file, instead of STDOUT by specifying a flag. This command is very useful whe...
This command reads thetarfile and creates a filesystem image namedubuntu-with-curlfrom it. 4. Conclusion In this article, we studied two docker commands that can save the state of a container:commitandexport. Thedocker commitcommand helps create a new image from changes made to a container, ...
Dockerfile Copy ENV NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=appName ENV NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=newRelicLicenseKey Modify the image entry point by adding: java -javaagent:/opt/agents/newrelic/java/newrelic-agent.jarTo install the agents for other languages, refer to the official documentation for the oth...
Running an Interactive Shell in a Docker Container If you need to start an interactive shell inside a Docker Container, perhaps to explore the filesystem or debug running processes, usedocker execwith the-iand-tflags. The-iflag keeps input open to the container, and the-tflag cre...
3. Save the file and exit. Step 7: Create Dockerfile Add the files generated in this tutorial to the custom Nginx proxy container image. Follow the procedure below to complete this action using Dockerfile: 1. CreateDockerfilewith a text editor: ...
To try out the tool online, go to the Document Intelligence Sample Labeling tool website. First, install Docker on a host computer. This guide shows you how to use local computer as a host. If you want to use a Docker hosting service in Azure, see the Deploy the Sample Labeling tool ...
2. Next, run the command below toexportthe Docker container of your choice (container-id). Replacecontainer-idwith the container ID you noted in step one. When exporting, you save the filesystem of the container in a.tararchive (arithmetic.tar). ...