当你在Docker中运行Redis时遇到“can't open the log file: permission denied”的错误,这通常是由于Docker容器内的Redis进程没有足够的权限来访问指定的日志文件。以下是针对这个问题的详细解决方案: 确认Docker容器的用户权限设置: 确保Redis容器有权访问宿主机的日志文件目录。这通常涉及到设置正确的目录权限和Docker...
Reading the configuration file, at line 103 >>> 'logfile /var/log/redis/redis-server.log' Can't open the log file: No such file or directory Can help me ? ~in your volume declaration -- as far as I know,docker-composedoes not expand~in the same way as the shell, so if you rep...
以这里的为例:-v/opt/reids/redis.log:/opt/redis.log//容器中opt下找redis.log,会去宿主机/opt/reids找-v/opt/reids/data:/opt/data//容器中opt下找data,会去宿主机/opt/reids找data-v/opt/redis/redis.conf:/etc/redis.conf//容器中opt下找redis.conf,会去宿主机/opt/redis/redis.conf找重要: 配...
如果重启服务后仍然遇到问题,可以尝试重新创建和启动一个新的Redis容器来解决该问题。例如: docker rm <container_id> docker run -d <image_name> redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf 通过以上步骤,你应该能够解决Docker运行Redis时出现的“Fatal error, can‘t open config file /etc/redis/redis.conf”以及Re...
Can't open the log file: No such file or directory 原因就是 redis.conf 文件直接用的是在物理机上部署时用的,logfile参数配的是/var/lib/redis,但 docker 容器里没有这个目录,但是有/data目录,所以,把logfile配置成/data即可。 改完之后再一启,没有任何信息输出,看来是成功了。
Redis在Docker中一直run不起来,使用docker logs [容器ID]命令后发现提示 Fatal error, cant open config file '/etc/redis/redis.conf' 将docker run -v 挂载的本机conf文件的权
-v /mydata/redis/node-1/data:/data \ -v /mydata/redis/node-1/conf/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf \ -d —net myredisnet —ip redis:5.0 /usr/local/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf 提示Fatal error, can’t open config file ‘/etc/redis/redis.conf’ ...
Running the command: docker run -it redis-master *** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR *** Reading the configuration file, at line 163 >>> 'logfile "/var/log/redis.log"' Can't open the log file: Permission denied Funny thing is that if I run the container in interactive mode: ...
Start a container running a Redis server: $ docker run --rm --name my-nginx -d nginx:alpine Run an Alpine container that attaches the --pid namespace to the my-nginx container: $ docker run --rm -it --pid=container:my-nginx \ --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \ --security-opt seccomp=unco...
Start a container running a Redis server: $ docker run --rm --name my-nginx -d nginx:alpine Run an Alpine container that attaches the --pid namespace to the my-nginx container: $ docker run --rm -it --pid=container:my-nginx \ --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \ --security-opt seccomp=unco...