The key point is the docker container, which allows me to run Redis on Windows, even if the Redis project does not officially support Windows. The Redis image is pulled from the Docker Hub, and you should get a similar figure in the terminal as seen in Figure ...
I have just setup redis using docker in windows and I am trying to write a simple .Net console app to connect to it to familiarize myself with things. I am running docker in windows 10 pro using “docker run redis:window…
Visit to learn about rootless mode. To run the Docker daemon as a fully privileged service, but granting non-root users access, refer to WARNING: Access to the remote API on a privileged Docker daemon is equi...
造成逃逸的原因是将宿主机的/var/run/docker.sock文件挂载到docker容器中,导致docker容器中可以操作宿主机的docker,进而能新创建docker从而将根目录挂载到新创建的docker中造成逃逸。 将/var/run/docker.sock挂载到docker容器中,此时docker容器中会出现/run/docker.sock文件 docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docke...
SpringBoot集成Redis 一、环境说明 1.CentOS:7 2.Jdk:1.8 3.Redis:5.0.14 5.SpringBoot:2.3.7.RELEASE 二、准备操作环境 1.Docker安装并运行Redis:docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis:5.0 2.新建SpringBoot项目并增加配置 Copy Highlighter-hljs spring:...
# 修改保护模式为no,默认为 yesprotected-mode no 3.1.2 方式二:添加密码访问 [root@localhost redis-v7.0.5]# vi conf/redis.conf # 手动添加以下内容 requirepass wangzy@123 3.2 重启服务 # 我这里用的是docker启动,故只要重启容器就好 docker restart 容器id...
Docker runs processes in isolated containers. A container is a process which runs on a host. The host may be local or remote. When you execute docker run, the container process that runs is isolated in that it has its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tre...
Docker 20.10.21 Docker Compose 2.12.2 Arch Linux (linux kernel 5.15.77-1-lts) The defaults are assuming redis is running on your localhost, which in docker it is not, you would also need to run Redis in docker and pass in the env variables for the connectionhttps://docs.joinmastodon....
Starting with Windows 10 (v1709 – 2017-09, Fall Creators Update), you can run at least a half-dozen flavors of Linux on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and you can run Redis on top of them. No VM required. No Docker. No joke! How do I know if I have Windows 10 with...
x-superset-image: &superset-image apache/superset:latest-dev x-superset-user: &superset-user root x-superset-depends-on: &superset-depends-on - db - redis x-superset-volumes: &superset-volumes # /app/pythonpath_docker will be appended to the PYTHONPATH in the final container - ./docker:...