2. 研究如何在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module 要在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module,你需要创建一个自定义的Nginx镜像,并在构建过程中编译和安装这个模块。这通常涉及到以下几个步骤: 获取Nginx的源代码。 下载并编译headers-more-nginx-module模块。 编译Nginx并包含这个模块。3...
有了构建环境,编译模块的步骤将能大幅简化,以常用的 Nginx 三方模块“headers-more-nginx-module”为例子,基于前文中的构建环境,我们编写一个模块构建脚本也很容易: ARG NGINX_VERSION=1.19.8FROM soulteary/prebuilt-nginx-modules:base-${NGINX_VERSION}-alpine AS Builder ARG MODULE_CHECKSUM=7d6af910dae98f0d...
ngx_headers_more - Set and clear input and output headers...more than "add"! Official:https://github.com/openresty/headers-more-nginx-module Build:https://github.com/nginx-with-docker/headers-more-nginx-module-src Nginx Images Nginx VersionModule VersionDocker Images ...
openresty是nginx和lua的结合体,内置headers-more-nginx-module等nginx的第三方模块。 可用于无缝替代nginx,否则通过dockerfile给nginx增加第三方模块比较复杂。 Dockerfile配置/usr/local/openresty/nginx/为openresty存放nginx相关的默认路径。 FROM openresty/openresty: EXPOSE 80 COPY dist /usr/local...
If I amend the dockerfile withFROM nginx:stable-alpinefrom nginx:mainline-alpine it will build successfully. I tried to run the docker steps manually, and failed on stepmake module-headers-more BASE_VERSION=$NGINX_VERSION ../headers-more-nginx-module-0.33/src/ngx_http_headers_more_headers_out...
# nginx: https://git.io/vSIyj 1. 1. RUN rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && \ 1. rm -rf /tmp/* 1. 1. ENV CONFIG "\ 1. --prefix=/etc/nginx \ 1. --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx \ 1. --modules-path=/usr/lib/nginx/modules \ ...
For example if a process running as root queries a file and another process running as user nginx tries to access the same file immediately, the nginx process will get a "Permission Denied" error. 4.5.12022-02-15 Bug fixes and enhancements...
linuxserver/nginxAn Nginx container, brought to you by LinuxS… 113 bitnami/nginxBitnami nginx Docker Image 83 [OK] tiangolo/nginx-rtmpDocker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp… 74 [OK] alfg/nginx-rtmpNGINX, nginx-rtmp-module and FFmpeg from sou… 64 [OK] ...
百度/谷歌"proxy_cache_purge", 再在https://hub.docker.com搜一下"nginx cache pruge", 果然有友军做了这个:procraft/nginx-purge. 不过他不是基于alpine做的, 那么现在就只有自己动手了, 其实有了参考就都好办. nginx-purge-docker Dockerfile:https://github.com/procraft/nginx-purge-docker/blob/master/...
If you’re accustomed to NGINX web servers, you might know that these servers are HTTP-enabled right away. However, If SSL is required for you and your users, you’ll have to manually configure your servers to support it. Here’s what that process looks like from NGINX’s documentation:...