2. 研究如何在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module 要在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module,你需要创建一个自定义的Nginx镜像,并在构建过程中编译和安装这个模块。这通常涉及到以下几个步骤: 获取Nginx的源代码。 下载并编译headers-more-nginx-module模块。 编译Nginx并包含这个模块。3...
有了构建环境,编译模块的步骤将能大幅简化,以常用的 Nginx 三方模块“headers-more-nginx-module”为例子,基于前文中的构建环境,我们编写一个模块构建脚本也很容易: ARG NGINX_VERSION=1.19.8FROM soulteary/prebuilt-nginx-modules:base-${NGINX_VERSION}-alpine AS Builder ARG MODULE_CHECKSUM=7d6af910dae98f0d...
openresty是nginx和lua的结合体,内置headers-more-nginx-module等nginx的第三方模块。 可用于无缝替代nginx,否则通过dockerfile给nginx增加第三方模块比较复杂。 Dockerfile配置/usr/local/openresty/nginx/为openresty存放nginx相关的默认路径。 FROM openresty/openresty: EXPOSE 80 COPY dist /usr/local...
For example if a process running as root queries a file and another process running as user nginx tries to access the same file immediately, the nginx process will get a "Permission Denied" error. 4.5.12022-02-15 Bug fixes and enhancements...
If I amend the dockerfile withFROM nginx:stable-alpinefrom nginx:mainline-alpine it will build successfully. I tried to run the docker steps manually, and failed on stepmake module-headers-more BASE_VERSION=$NGINX_VERSION ../headers-more-nginx-module-0.33/src/ngx_http_headers_more_headers_out...
steps to reproduce docker file with FROM nginx:stable-alpine RUN apk update RUN apk add nginx-mod-http-headers-more nginx.conf with load_module "modules/ngx_http_headers_more_filter_module.so"; server { more_clear_headers Server; } expec...
# nginx: https://git.io/vSIyj 1. 1. RUN rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && \ 1. rm -rf /tmp/* 1. 1. ENV CONFIG "\ 1. --prefix=/etc/nginx \ 1. --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx \ 1. --modules-path=/usr/lib/nginx/modules \ ...
For example if a process running as root queries a file and another process running as user nginx tries to access the same file immediately, the nginx process will get a "Permission Denied" error. 4.5.12022-02-15 Bug fixes and enhancements For Windows...
linuxserver/nginxAn Nginx container, brought to you by LinuxS… 113 bitnami/nginxBitnami nginx Docker Image 83 [OK] tiangolo/nginx-rtmpDocker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp… 74 [OK] alfg/nginx-rtmpNGINX, nginx-rtmp-module and FFmpeg from sou… 64 [OK] ...
百度/谷歌"proxy_cache_purge", 再在https://hub.docker.com搜一下"nginx cache pruge", 果然有友军做了这个:procraft/nginx-purge. 不过他不是基于alpine做的, 那么现在就只有自己动手了, 其实有了参考就都好办. nginx-purge-docker Dockerfile:https://github.com/procraft/nginx-purge-docker/blob/master/...