Install Docker Desktop on D: Drive in Windows 10 Docker Desktop windows bsargework (Bsargework) July 5, 2020, 12:25pm 2 It should be possible to do, and if not, you can put the disk image on d:\ and it is the largest component. However I would set that up to begin with. ...
复制现有的Docker数据目录(默认为/var/lib/docker)到其他盘,比如D:\Docker。可以在命令行中运行以下命令: $sudocp-r/var/lib/docker/* /path/to/other/drive/Docker 1. 更新Docker配置文件,以便Docker可以找到新的数据目录。可以编辑/etc/docker/daemon.json文件,并将data-root属性的值更改为新的数据目录路径,...
sudo synopkg install Docker # 启动Docker sudo synopkg start Docker ``` ### 创建Docker容器 ``` # 拉取CloudDrive2镜像 docker pull clouddrive2 # 创建容器 docker run -d --name clouddrive2-container -e KEY=value -v /path/to/volume:/mount/path -p 8080:80 clouddrive2 ``` ### 配置Cl...
Set Virtualization framework as the default hypervisor for macOS >= 12.5. Migrate previous install to Virtualization framework hypervisor for macOS >= 12.5. The Enhanced Container Isolation feature, available to Docker Business users, can now be enabled from the General Settings. ...
$docker run\--mount='type=volume,dst=/external-drive,volume-driver=local,volume-opt=device=/dev/loop5,volume-opt=type=ext4' You can't run themountcommand inside the container directly, because the container is unable to access the/dev/loop5device. That's why thedocker runcommand uses the...
Main installationD:\Docker WSL:D:\Docker\WSL Windows Containers:D:\Docker\WindowsContainers Using powershell with Admin privileges, I used the following command: Start-Process -Wait -FilePath ".\Docker Desktop Installer.exe" -ArgumentList "install -accept-license --installation-dir=D:\Docker --...
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "Docker Desktop Installer.exe" -ArgumentList "install", "-accept-license", "--installation-dir=D:\Docker", "--wsl-default-data-root=D:\Docker\images" Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "Docker Desktop Installer.exe" -ArgumentList "install", "-accept-license",...
2.1. Install DRIVE OS with SDK Manager Download and install SDK Manager. The${WORKSPACE}directory used in the examples in this document is for the installed NVIDIA DRIVE OS samples directory. This directory is to be mounted into the Docker container. ...
谷歌网盘: 如何获得最新版离线包 Windows 举例 docker load<"%USERPROFILE%\Documents\tvhelper-amd64.tar"
TrackIt helps you to optimize your AWS cloud awsaws-s3docker-enginecostcost-controlcost-estimationcost-optimizationtrackit UpdatedNov 6, 2018 Shell drivesoft-technology/docker-awesome Star31 User Guide for Docker engine, compose. Example. doc, script, demo, example, etc. | support Mac, Ubuntu ...