安装过程中可能需要输入管理员密码等信息,根据提示完成安装。 ### 步骤三:启动Docker Desktop并验证安装是否成功 安装完成后,在桌面或应用程序菜单中找到Docker Desktop图标,双击启动。启动后,可以通过命令行工具或Docker Desktop应用程序来验证安装是否成功。 ```bash # 使用命令行查看Docker版本 docker --version ```...
# 假设你在命令行中,可以用curl命令下载curl-L-oDocker.dmg# 解释:-L表示跟随重定向,-o设置输出文件名 1. 2. 3. 步骤4:安装Docker Desktop 下载完成后,打开下载的.dmg文件,并将Docker图标拖放到Applications文件夹中进行安装。 # 安装完成后,你可以用以下命令启动Docker Desktopopen/Applications/Docker.app# ...
首先遇到的问题是安装docker desktop后,启动引擎时报错 wsl update failed: update failed: updating wsl: exit code: 4294967295: running wsl command wsl.exe c:\windows\system32\wsl.exe --update --web- download: 潃汵潮⁴牷瑩慶畬琠敫⁹卜䙏坔剁居汃獡敳屳楄敲瑣牯屹桳汥屬...
In my case, this worked well Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "Docker Desktop Installer.exe" -ArgumentList "install", "-accept-license", "--installation-dir=D:\Docker", "--wsl-default-data-root=D:\Docker\images" Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "Docker Desktop Installer.exe" -ArgumentList ...
Docker Desktop is available on: Linux Mac Windows If you have already installed Docker Desktop, you can check which version of Compose you have by selectingAbout Docker Desktopfrom the Docker menu. Note After Docker Compose V1 was removed in Docker Desktop version4.23.0as it had reached end-...
I am using Windows 10 and wants to start with Docker Desktop. But my C drive is already stressed with other things and not left with much space. So, I want to get it installed into D: drive. I searched too much on inter…
Docker Desktop Service is not running and in services it lists as “Manual” Windows fails to start the service (Error 1053) Docker diagnose check fails with: [2023-05-02T19:00:56.859393200Z][com.docker.diagnose][I] set path configuration to OnHost panic: runtime error: invalid memory addr...
为了在Windows上安装Docker Desktop,请按照以下步骤操作: 访问Docker官方网站或Docker Docs: 访问Docker官方网站上的Docker Desktop下载页面:Docker Desktop Download Page。 你也可以直接从Docker Docs获取Windows平台的安装指南:Install Docker Desktop on Windows | Docker Docs。 检查系统要求: 确保你的Windows版本与Do...
Docker Engine plugins Release notes Home/Manuals/Docker Engine/Install This section describes how to install Docker Engine on Linux, also known as Docker CE. Docker Engine is also available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, through Docker Desktop. For instructions on how to install Docker Desktop, ...
此处,我们需要创建一个DockerHub账号了,这是一个Docker仓库,我们可以从仓库里下载很多的docker image(镜像)。 点击上图中的Sign in/Create Docker ID... 登录完成后,我们先中场休息,来看一下Docker的一些信息,以保存好精力等下好好和她玩耍。 我们这里,点击About Docker Desktop,可以看到,我们安装的Docker的一些版...